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Donald Trump announces new 2024 campaign strategy

A perennial favorite of presidential campaigns is the "Rose Garden Strategy." But there are others. Harry Truman adopted a "Whistlestop Strategy" in his 1948 campaign. Richard Nixon was the first to pursue a "50 State Strategy" in 1960. During the COVID pandemic, Joe Biden pioneered the "Basement Strategy."

But this year brings something truly new. Donald Trump has promised to attend all of his trials in person because of the media attention they bring. For the first time ever, a presidential candidate is running on an "I Haven't Been Convicted Yet Strategy."

Strange times.

13 thoughts on “Donald Trump announces new 2024 campaign strategy

  1. Boronx

    Soon to be followed by the "I'll appeal the convictions" strategy, then the "I did it, I'm out, and I'll do it again" strategy.

  2. Yehouda

    The point is to make the court cases personal, so judges, juries and prosecutors will know that if they cause "too much truble" there will be violent response against them personally.

  3. Salamander

    Hey, it gets the attention of ALL the media, and it's all totally FREE! It's "news" so they gotta cover it, amirite? Better yet, after a certain date, he can't be either tried, or even CHARGED with anything, regardless of what he does, because of "election interference".

    Criming his way to the White House. Deplorable. Our judicial system was never built to handle this, or even sustain it. Let's hope it doesn't catch on.

  4. Jim Carey

    A lifetime ago, my Bachelor of Science degree required me to take a non-technical elective, so I took an intro to psychology course. One thing I remember is the story of a researcher that embedded himself in a cult that believed that the earth was coming to an end on a certain date and time, except cult members would be saved because, by being at a designated location at a specific time, they'd be taken away on an alien spaceship. The not-surprising part is that the spaceship never showed up and the earth survived. The surprise was the effect on most cult members' belief in the cult, which was strengthened.

    To paraphrase Upton Sinclair, it's difficult to get some people to understand something when that understanding reveals that they've been acting like an idiot.

  5. D_Ohrk_E1

    "The Courtroom Strategy"

    Will it be a net positive or negative to focus eyes on the outcomes of multiple criminal and civil cases? On the courthouse steps he will sell whatever lies he wants to. But as the convictions line up, will those lies become clear and tiresome for his marginal supporters?

  6. cld

    This following the Iowa caucuses that were just day after day of free publicity for wingnuts while the Democrats had nothing to say.

  7. gs

    Well, the 50-state strategy is long gone thanks to the Electoral College. 100% of the money'll be spent in only those states with a whiff of "swing."

  8. Heysus

    We all know he shows up for free tee vee time so he can show his ‘manly’ scowl to hide his baggy jowls.
    What an incredible loser. I’m so glad I don’t have tee vee.

  9. Dana Decker

    "I Haven't Been Convicted Yet Strategy" is the natural successor to what he said last year:

    [I’m] an innocent man
    I did nothing wrong, and they know it.
    NO Crime has been committed
    There was no Error made, No Misdemeanor, No Crime
    indict an innocent man
    I’M 100% INNOCENT
    there IS NO CRIME HERE!
    there is NO CRIME OF ANY KIND
    there was NO CRIME, NO AFFAIR
    There was no crime, period.
    I did NOTHING wrong in the “Horseface” case.
    It also helps that I did nothing wrong!
    I did absolutely nothing wrong
    I am guilty of nothing

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