What in God's name is Trump talking about here?
This is beyond weird. It's hallucinatory. And even if it were somehow true that the Army TURNED ON THE WATER, California doesn't get any water from the Pacific Northwest or beyond. We get it from our very own Sierra Nevadas.
Is Trump really and truly losing it? Or does he figure he can just say anything he wants for the rubes? Or what?
“We’d often be shocked at whomever Trump chose to fire,” Braun explained. “Our first priority on every episode like that was to reverse-engineer the show to make it look like his judgment had some basis in reality. Sometimes it would be very hard to do, because the person he chose did nothing. We had to figure out how to edit the show to make it work, to show the people he chose to fire as looking bad — even if they had done a great job.”
And now it's Fox and CNN doing the editting.
You left out the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, ...
(Nonexistent here) thumbs up to both of you.
Back in the day I had a phase where I waa really big into reality tv game shows,.Survivor,.Amazing.Race, I watched them all and would read all the show recaps. So I watched The Apprentice too..
But I would get annoyed reading the 'why such and such lost' articles. First, it would take the show's premise too seriously as if the winner was actually going to work for.Trump. Second, it would.try to make Trump's decision as something other than arbitrary.(edit as they might, it waa still pretty obvious that there wasn't much rhyme or.reason to his 'firings').
Man if you would have told me then that this guy would not only be President but also get two terms,.I would have thought you were.absolutely out of your mind. Geez louise.
"Billy, look, you just tell them and they believe it. That's it: you just tell them and they believe. They just do.'" This is Trump in a nutshell. Truth is irrelevant to Trump. It's what he can get away with saying is the only thing that matters.
It appears three pumps run by the feds that were down for scheduled maintenance were turned back on. The pumps are presumably under either the Army Corp of Engineers of the Bureau of Land Management. This straight out of the Autocrat's Handbook: take a normal nonevent and portray it as a creative bold action that only Big Brother could have done.
Is there an article somewhere that states exactly what happened? Because nothing Trump said lines up with some pumps (Where? What do they do) getting turned back on. California doesn’t get water from the Pacific Northwest and there is no infrastructure to do so. There was no indication, except in his post on Truth Social of any emergency powers being enacted. What military entered California and where did they come from? It seems to me that nothing in the real word happened that lines up even vaguely with what Trump said.
The Daily Beast had one:
Thanks for the link. I still don’t see how it lines up with what Trump said in his post and I think that rather than letting him get away with this as an excuse some reporter should nail down that this is what was being talked about. Because the federal government operators turning off some pumps that supply the Central Valley with agricultural water for 3 days to service them does not equate to sending in the military to open non-existent pipes providing water from the Pacific Northwest. Not even close.
Of course what really happened has very little to do with what Trump said. Trump is an inveterate liar who doesn't care about the truth, it's easier for him just to make shit up.
I totally agree with your take on this. Any attempt to hang this 100% lie on anything that actually happened is a form of sanewashing.
It would be the bureau of reclamation most likely running the pumps.
So, for something that Yuuuuuge(!!!) did the military correspondents take a lot of notes and photos of the faucet - maybe done in the style of raising the flag on top of Iwo Jima's Mount Suribachi?
(Gulliver urinates on flames to extinguish the fire of the palace of the Empress of Lilliput)
I suspect he stole that from Rableis' Gagantua.
In the realm of I don't understand why type stuff; we have this
Price of eggs in WalMart in Canada $3.93/dozen
In USD that equates to $2.75 is U.S. dollars
Part of the reason is the small size of Canadian egg farms:
{A 2023 article from Global News explained that Canada hasn’t been hit as hard by egg price spikes because of its supply management system, which regulates production, imports, and prices to ensure stability.
Canadian farms are smaller and more geographically spread out, which can reduce the risk of widespread issues like bird flu.
According to Global News, "The average egg farm in Canada has about 25,000 laying hens. In contrast, the average farm in the U.S. has about two million birds."}
Smaller is sometimes better especially when it comes to community spread of communicable diseases !
Option b.
To him, truth is not a thing. It doesn't exist. That's been obvious since he sent Spicer out to brag about how his inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's.
Agree completely.
To quote myself from elsewhere in the comments on this post: In his mind, what he wants to be true IS true, and that's the only reality there is.
Did they find a fawcett to turn on? That would make a great photo op!
I keep beating this dead horse but it ain't just Trump. It who too many of us- are
He's a fraud and a lier, and I now believe most of the his voters know that. But except for the most naive, the rest willingly traded everything they know he won't deliver, in exchange for cheaper gas and the right to blame problems on immigrants, the poor and gays.