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Donald Trump shares some deep thinking on drones

Today's adventure in idiocy:

Q: Can you comment on the drones that are flying around with New Jersey ports? It seems like the American people have a big—

Donald Trump: The government knows what is happening. Look, our military knows where they took off from. If it's a garage, they can go right into that garage. They know where it came from and where it went, and for some reason they don't want to comment. And I think they'd be better off saying what it is. Our military knows and our president knows, and for some reason they want to keep people in suspense. I can't imagine it's the enemy because if it was the enemy, they'd blast it out. Even if they were late, they'd blast it. Something strange is going on. For some reason they don't want to tell the people and they should because the people are really… I mean, they happen to be over Bedminster, want to know the truth.... They're very close to Bedminster. I think maybe I won't spend the weekend in Bedminster. I've decided to cancel my trip.

Trump is canceling his trip to Jersey because he's afraid of the drones! What a moron.

25 thoughts on “Donald Trump shares some deep thinking on drones

  1. D_Ohrk_E1

    I think he's paranoid that drones are tracking, watching, and listening to him and the people he meets and speaks to. If you had contempt for your followers and were planning to wreck their lives and blame Democrats while reaping the rewards of your actions, you too might be gripped by paranoia, especially after discovering in your first rodeo that your own people were recording and taking notes on what you said and did.

    But also, he did assassinate Qasem Soleimani, the Biden administration did disrupt a plot by Iranians to assassinate Trump, and twice Americans tried to kill him.

    Eventually, someone will succeed. (Hopefully not, but let's build up his paranoia!)

  2. akapneogy

    "Trump is canceling his trip to Jersey because he's afraid of the drones! What a moron."

    Totally consistent with what we have seen of Trump. I am afraid to ask what that makes of a majority of voters.

    1. bethby30

      Larry Hogan is giving Trump some competition. Apparently he freaked out at the sight of Orion’s Belt.

      I was surprised that even Chris Christie was going nuts. Maybe he is just upset that Biden is getting that tunnel to NYC built that Christie blocked

  3. Joseph Harbin

    The man had bone spurs, for godsakes. Leave him alone. Why should he go anywhere near New Jersey with UFDs (unidentified flying drones) in the air?

    Meanwhile, Joe Biden visited Ukraine last year, the first time a president traveled to an active conflict zone not controlled by the American military since at least Lincoln. That’s something no president in his right mind should do, proving once and for all that Joe Biden lacks the mental faculties to carry out the job of presidenting.

  4. pjcamp1905

    At this point, it's just a bunch of teens trying to wind people up for the lolz.

    But I do think concentrating on Bedminster is genius.

  5. J. Frank Parnell

    Trump has private investigators in New Jersey looking at the drone issue, and you can't believe what they are finding! After all, he recently proclaimed “I’ve studied automation, and know just about everything there is to know about it”.

  6. aldoushickman

    "I can't imagine it's the enemy because if it was the enemy, they'd blast it out. Even if they were late, they'd blast it. Something strange is going on. For some reason they don't want to tell the people and they should . . ."

    The "enemy"? Good lord this man is a fucking moron.

    And, here he goes again, speculating and conjuring up fevered fantasies about the government concealing information. Reminder to everybody: this dolt gets daily intelligence briefings from ODNI. He'd know whatever Biden knows, if Trump wasn't too lazy and stupid a bastard to read and comprehend what he's given.

  7. iamr4man

    Actually it might be best to avoid flying at night in New Jersey right now. Not because of drones, but because some idiot might misidentify your plane as a drone and try to shoot it down.

  8. Citizen99

    Why would he even be going to Bedminster in December, when he can stay in Florida where it's warm, and hurricane season is over?

    Add one more lie to the list.

  9. Salamander

    The Israelis have been using armed quadcopter drones all year in Gaza to shoot Palestinians. Any drone could be deadly. And the Felon has been shot at once, and targeted another time.

    With the garbled gibberish about "the military", maybe he ("He"?) assumes Joe Biden is after him, for so many reasons.

    1. aldoushickman

      I think that there is nothing underneath it all. Trump is like a cloud--maybe it looks like a bunny, or maybe it looks like a fish, but there is no fundamental bunnyness or fishness underlying the observation.

      He's a dolt who just says a bunch of nonsense, and then we all stroke our chins and muse about what he must have meant.

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