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Donald Trump, the revenge president

The Daily Mail recently conducted a poll asking people what they thought of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. They made a word cloud of the most popular responses, and Trump was so proud of his that he posted it on Truth Social:

Apparently Trump loves the idea that people associate him with power, revenge, dictatorship, and corruption. Aside from everything else, he is just one weird dude.

46 thoughts on “Donald Trump, the revenge president

      1. iamr4man

        Words like “power” “dictatorship” and “revenge” make him look strong. The only thing that got to him last time was “little hands”. If the words people associated with Trump were “stinky” and “poopy diaper” you can bet he wouldn’t have posted it on his web site.

        1. Yehouda

          "Stinky" and "poopy diaper" certainly good words to associate with him, but "dictator" should also be pretty good, and should be easier to achieve. His supporters will like it, but undecided voters will be put off by it.
          Association with "revengce" probably also not helpful for him in term of undecided voters.

    1. Eric

      The top review on that "Revenge Tour" coin is this:

      "So excited about my kids getting these for Christmas they are both coin collectors and Trump supporters, this is going to make a great gift for a stocking stuffer"

      We might have some problems.

  1. kenalovell

    I'm sure Trump believes people offered these words in admiration of Trump's strength. If your intention is to seize POWER and become a DICTATOR after taking REVENGE on your enemies, there's nothing weird about welcoming what you believe to be evidence people support the idea.

  2. Yehouda

    "..and Trump was so proud of his that he posted it on Truth Social:"

    In case it is not obvious, that is mis-reading his motives.
    He knows it damages him to be associated with dictatorship and revenge, but he also knows he cannot stop the publication of this. So he tries to weaken it by publishing it himself, to suggest there is nothing wrong with it.
    Not obvious that it will work, but hat is what he is trying to do.

    1. iamr4man

      It’s not obvious that getting indicted for election interference, fraud, and keeping classified documents would work to strengthen his support and raise millions of dollars but here we are.

    2. skeptonomist

      If Trump didn't think that saying he would be a dictator and would take revenge were to his benefit why did he say the things in the first place? And he continues to say them. There is no doubt whatsoever that MAGAs approve.

        1. MattBallAZ

          I get your reading, but disagree. That human turd at Fox said, "There's no way you'd be a dictator, right?" And TFG said, "Only on day 1" and repeated it over and over.

          1. Yehouda

            As I wrote above, he cannot avoid discussiing it anymore, so he try to make it look unimportant by various tricks. Saying that he is going to be a dictator for one day is a way to deflecting from actually answering the question.

            The fact is that he currently succeeds, in the sense that it didn't seem to turn many undecided voters against him yet. Hopefully it will start to have an effect with time.

    3. CAbornandbred

      You are attributing a lot of thought processes to Trump. I don't think he's a deep thinker at all. Does it make him feel powerful? ✔️ Does it own the libs? '✔️ Will it make him money?✔️ That's what I think he thinks. All id and dollar signs.

      1. Yehouda

        He wouldn't succeed to be a president, and still be the leading candidate of one of the main parties after losing the election and trying a coup, if he was that simpleton. He is evil, but not stupid, which is why he is so dangerous.

        The fact that he got 47% of the votes after what he did in his 4 years was also quite an impressive feat.

        1. CAbornandbred

          Not a simpleton. Just all about himself. That 47% is really impressive, and sad. I didn't think there were so many people who were motivated by racism, homophobic hate, and a truly twisted understanding of the Bible, especially the word of Jesus. That really is a sorry situation.

    4. jte21

      He knows it damages him to be associated with dictatorship and revenge

      Not among his base, it doesn't. They love them all of that Führer/Sieg Heil/Blood and Soil shit. We'll see how it plays in the general, though.

      1. Yehouda

        Yes, but the general elections will be decided by the (currently) undecided voters. His base will vote for him anyway, but he needs to avoid scaring off undecided voters to have a chance in the general elections.

        1. KenSchulz

          I think he actually believes that his base is a majority, because he draws bigger crowds and TV audiences than his rivals. If he thought he needed to broaden his appeal, he would be saying different things.

          1. Yehouda

            You really think that somebody can become a president of the US without a good undertsanding of US politics?

            Looks to me bizzare that people here think like that. Mostly seem to be confusion between morality (Trump being evil) and competence (trump's skills). He is evil, but skilled one.

            1. KenSchulz

              Yes, Trump is the existence proof that ‘somebody can become a president of the US without a good understanding of US politics’. The personal characteristics that helped put him in office were name recognition, an image of wealth and success, and a bundle of hatreds, resentments and prejudices that happened to resonate with a large subset of American voters. In a nation of 330 million people, someone like that was inevitable. He was helped by the prevailing extreme polarization of politics, right-wing media, Russian hacking and the distortions of the Electoral College. His ‘political’ skill consists of recognizing cheers and applause when he he hears it, and repeating the utterance that brought it on. And not ever repeating lines that don’t get a positive response.

  3. Jim Carey

    If saying "What's in it for me?" in literally every context is weird, then President Donald is weird. But it's more accurate to place him on a Venn diagram at the intersection of power and narcissistic personality disorder.

  4. jv

    Kevin, what's weird is you think it's weird.

    Wannabe dictator shouts "I will be your revenge", a right-wing dogwhistle blast out over the national (and global) PA system.

    A right-wing population, progressively ratched up by right wing media for money and power screams back, "You see us! We love you! What should we do with all these guns?"

    Wannabe dictator says, "Roger that. Check your inbox for calendar invites..."

    Does that help?

  5. D_Ohrk_E1

    I would have thought the word most associated with Trump would be "LOSER".

    - He's never won the popular vote.
    - Hasn't won a jury verdict, ever.
    - Needed help from Russia.
    - Only legislative accomplishment was a tax cut that increased the debt.

  6. jdubs

    Power & Revenge have always been his key selling points. Maybe his only selling points. Loads of people adore him because of it.

    1. MikeTheMathGuy

      I don't disagree. But I think a lot of his supporters are mistaken in believing that he would take revenge on the people that they are angry at, when in fact he only cares about taking revenge on the people that *he* is angry at. Because it's always only about him.

      1. Dana Decker

        My impression when I posted is that it was a list of words people would use to describe Trump - focus group stuff - but it turns out that it's a list of words of what people think Trump wants to do if he's re-elected. Still, I'd expect some respondents to say "lie" (at least at a frequency higher than other words in that cloud: drill, homelessness, king).

  7. Special Newb

    I would like to be able to vote for a candidate that would take revenge on the MAGAs for the last decade. Instead I'm voting for one sending them my tax dollars. Frankly I'm envious.

    1. Art Eclectic

      Sadly, there is no candidate promising revenge on the corporate profit machine for siphoning off every bit of money from the middle and working classes they could get to, thus creating MAGA in the first place.

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