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34 thoughts on “Elon Musk returns

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      RadioShack is still riding strong at the Ripon Drug combination pharmacy-Ben Franklin-convenience store-Ripon College merchandiser-RadioShack.

  1. Justin

    It’s silly that anyone noticed… or cared.

    Off topic reason why liberals are such idiots. They keep imagining / proposing policies no one cares about then embarrass us all with the foolishness.

    Goodness… why do they do this?

    Under Obamacare, birth control pills are free. Why aren’t vasectomies?

    Because everything can’t be free? As much as I’d love to see all straight men sterilized, this is just another example of the stupid ideas which I’m not interested in debating with conservatives… or anyone else! It’s just dumb. What world do they live in?

    1. Salamander

      Well, you're right. Sterilization for men ought to be free. It's not as if this would cost the federal government anything.

      On the other hand, birth control for women is NOT "free." You have to pay for a medical insurance plan in order to get it. This can easily be hundreds per month. There may still be a copay under some plans. And the feds are unable to pay for abortions, thanks to the dead hand of Henry Hyde, serial adulterer who was presumeably never sterilized.

      1. Justin

        Nothing is really “free” now is it? I’m not willing to pay for someone’s vasectomy or birth control given the choice… no one asks my permission. They just take.

        1. Art Eclectic

          Eh, I'm not willing to pay for other people's religious facilities but nobody asks permission for that, either.

  2. Lounsbury

    Lazy journalists. At same level of "the internet exploded" articles (where the internet = some selection of Twitterati the journo follows in an echo chamber)

  3. DFPaul

    Meaningful message to his employees as he moves them to Texas? In other words, "I accept the Catholic Church's teachings on lots of stuff, so suck it Silicon Valley engineers. Texas law rules." I would guess so.

  4. Spadesofgrey

    Musk needs a bullet through his head like all billionaires, who got his money through being knighted by Wall Street bankers. This ain't 1900 anymore. He does nothing except add to the debt.

    1. SC-Dem

      Please don't compare Kevin to Lester Maddox. When I was about 12 I chanced upon a Little League game where Lester was throwing out the first pitch. Later, I was surprised to find out that the Ga Tech Placement Center where I was interviewing for jobs was Lester's former restaurant, The Pickrick. That was where Maddox offered to pass out axe handles to customers in case a Black person came in to dine.

      So, just saying I know a little about Lester. He was a lot like George Wallace but even meaner and less intelligent. There are no doubt people who could be compared to Lester today. Some might be on the Supreme Court. Many are in the Senate. The House is chock full of them. But certainly not Kevin.

      1. Spadesofgrey

        Maddox is superior to every Republican today. Self absorbed douche, he predicted what would happen if the black man was given guns.

      2. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

        If Kevin is a Liz Warren head, & Liz Warren is adjacent to Bernie Sanders's Blue MAGA/Turn back the clock to 1950 (counter)revolution, then he is a Lestermaddoxian.

        (I used to say Bernie's whitepower, but from the left, movement was the echo of George Wallace Democrats, but unlike Bernie, Ol' George actually got on a presidential general election ballot, so I went over to using LesMad because he's the exact kind of provincial, revanchist layabout that Bernie is.)

      3. Mitch Guthman

        I’ve always wondered who was worse: the authentic but somewhat opportunistic racist like Lester Maddox or the completely opportunistic spewer of racism like George Wallace. It hard to say but at least Lester came by his racism honestly.

  5. Pingback: Elon Musk returns – Kevin Drum – US Trends – Poster

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