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Everything is fake, according to Donald Trump

Things that are fake according to Donald Trump:

Crime statistics from the FBI.

Job figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2020 election results from half a dozen different state officials.

Reports that he continually falls asleep during his hush money trial, confirmed by numerous eyewitnesses.

The trial itself, being conducted by the state of New York.

News that he said Alvin Bragg should be prosecuted, recorded on video.

35 thoughts on “Everything is fake, according to Donald Trump

  1. bbleh

    From the Republican point of view they ARE fake because they SHOULDN'T be true. And they shouldn't be true because, choose your poison, "scientifically" demonstrated racial disparities, cherry-picked crime statistics, current economic status (demonstrates the Lord's favor, doncha know), librul wrongthink, those damn hippies, uppity wimmin, something something Founding Fathers something, and of course, Jesus.

    It may not be true that philosophy is just a search for excuses to justify what one wants to do, but insofar as there IS anything resembling a Republican philosophy any more (and that's far from clear), it's certainly true of that.

    1. Srho

      I can understand why DJT's narcissistic personality produces these delusions, but I can't fathom why anyone outside his skull should be beholden to them.

      Trump's narcissism should be treated as a disqualifying trait at least as much as Biden's age.

      1. bbleh

        IMO they aren't necessarily beholden to his fantasies (although they share a lot of them, eg the bigotry and the worship of wealth), but they ARE beholden to his ATTITUDE. He is Alpha Man, who does as he wishes and is wildly successful, so by attaching themselves to him they (1) validate their own antisocial / narcissistic tendencies and (2) become part of an in-group that is, like him, superior. Among the MAGAts it rises to the level of a cult, but there are nearly as many Good Germans Republicans, among whom it's more of a nodding agreement -- yes that's the way the world is, and the way I am and Those Others are, and we need somebody like that in charge who will make sure everyone toes the line.

        1. gs

          The same sort of thing happens with sports teams. Rooting for the winningest team somehow makes the fan a winner too.

      2. MattBallAZ

        One of the saddest lessons of history is this:
        If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.
        Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.
        –Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World

  2. KinersKorner

    He is King of Assholes. How anyone even like him blows me away. Thief, lied, cheated and Dooshbag. Perfect description of the Orange Ghoul.

    1. Salamander

      Interestingly, everyone (it seems)who has actually been around him long enough comes to hate him. I don't know if that necessarily coincides with him throwing them under the bus, or just the general irritation.

    2. mudwall jackson

      when trump announced that he was running for president in 2015, he was incredibly unpopular, so much so that it was hard to see him winning the rep. nomination let alone the white house. except the early republican primaries were winner-take-all and trump had a huge name recognization advantage, and with so many other candidates in the field, he was able to wrack up large numbers of delegates while winning primaries with 30 percent of the vote. throw in the bizarre dynamics of the 2016 general election and the dooshbag becomes president. how he's been able to capture pretty much the entire republican party is beyond me.

  3. different_name

    Everything about him is fake; like many other awful shitbags, he assumes everyone else is the same.

    I knew a pathological liar at one point; it took me too long to understand that, while he absolutely lied to others for personal gain, his primary mark was himself.

  4. iamr4man

    Trump supporters like to accuse those who are not in Trump’s thrall as having Trump Derangement Syndrome.But I think that what’s really happening is they are subject to Trump’s reality distortion field. The reality distortion field was something that was first said about Steve Jobs, that in his presence reality was malleable and that he could convince just about anyone of anything. I think Trump’s reality distortion field is even more powerful than Jobs’ was. To those of us who are immune it’s unfathomable that people believe him. But for his faithful no evidence will convince them he is wrong.

    1. Yikes

      I don't think its a distortion field. Haven't you noticed how Trump spends no time, exactly zero time, to actually convince anyone of anything? To persuade anyone of his policy? No. If you are not already on board you can F right off.

      To his supporters, he is very, very far from wrong. He tells each and every one of his supporters that THEY ARE RIGHT.

      He's not a classic politician, who, to someone who is worried about illegal immigration, says "if elected I will work, across the aisle if needed, to get immigration under control."

      Nope, that's what generations of repubs said. Trump says "(you're right) I am going to build a wall." or "(you're right) I will deport all of them." Or "(you're right) I am instituting a Muslim ban."

      Its not like there is anything about Trump that they don't like, really, the ones who can't stand him are already full Lincoln Project but what has been revealed is how few Lincoln Project Repubs there are, as compared to MAGAs.

      1. iamr4man

        He’s like a timeshare salesperson. You get people who want to believe what you’re selling and convince them what you are saying is true. It works on the media too. They don’t want to believe he is a lunatic so they help him by reinterpreting the weird disjointed things he says. “If what Trump means when he says *garbled incoherent statement* is *clear well thought out statement*, then he may have a point. How many times have you seen that on “liberal” web sites?

  5. Joseph Harbin

    Fake or not fake?

    BREAKING: Donald Trump’s NY trial judge has denied Trump’s request to strike Michael Cohen’s nickname for him, “Von ShitzInPantz,” from the official court record.

    It’s true!

    Somebody ought to tell him about Barbra Streisand and a house in Malibu. Now it’s not Michael Cohen’s nickname for him. It’s everybody’s.

  6. Jim Carey

    "The scientific method involves careful observation coupled with rigorous skepticism, because cognitive assumptions can distort the interpretation of the observation."

    The above is the first of two scientific principles. Ref:

    Translation: be rigorously skeptical of assumptions. Include your own assumptions.

    People are either adherents or violators. Adherents are on one side, and violators are on the other side. Citizen Donald is on the violators' side.

    To know if you are an adherent or a violator, ask an objective and disinterested observer. Not wanting to know should tell you all you need to know.

    1. lawnorder

      An objective observer is one who always agrees with me. Disagreeing with me is proof the observer is not objective. /s

  7. D_Ohrk_E1

    Her green plastic watering can
    For her fake Chinese rubber plant
    In the fake plastic earth
    That she bought from a rubber man
    In a town full of rubber plans
    To get rid of itself

    And it wears me out.

  8. KinersKorner

    Great thread highlighting the King Asshole of all time. We in NY have had the sortid displeasure of this asshole for far too long. How America got stuck with the shithead of all shitheads I shall never fathom.

  9. kenalovell

    And now he claims he can't even testify in his own trial, because the mean judge has slapped a gag order on him. He bellowed all this with a straight face while his whipped-puppy lawyer nodded and smiled at the unfairness of it all.

      1. mudwall jackson

        i don't even think trump is stupid enough to believe he can't testify on his own behalf. the base, however, will believe i and blame the judge when their hero declines to testify, as he inevitably will. and if he loses, again, it's the judge's fault.

  10. J. Frank Parnell

    It just depends on what universe one lives in. We live in what might be characterized as the “real” universe. MAGAt’s live in the bizarro world, which is governed by whatever their cult leader tells them. Trump’s message to his followers? “Shut up and drink the kool-aid”.

  11. Justin

    And still... he will probably win. I do hope everyone enjoys this last summer of freedom. It's all over by Thanksgiving. Good luck.

    1. Jim Carey

      "In his magisterial television show, Civilisation, the great art historian Kenneth Clark asks why a civilization like Rome that was once dominant could collapse into the barbarism of the Dark Ages. He concluded that beyond the material causes, there was a mental one. It is a lack of confidence more than anything else that kills a civilization." -Fareed Zakaria from Episode 576 of The Axe Files podcast.

      If our civilization collapses into the barbarism of another Dark Age, I'm blaming Justin.

  12. emjayay

    Among other things the Biden Inflation Reduction (really Build Back Better/bring critical manufacturing back/build renewable energy production/facilitate electric car use/reduce fossil fuel use/infrastructure etc.) bill is also fake and all the new bridges and other stuff is all fake too.

    It's a cult. And people are stupid. Also willfully ignorant.

  13. jte21

    Trump simply assumes all people and institutions lie and fabricate just as much as he does: "I regularly spout bullshit I know isn't true, so everyone else must do the same."

    Every accusation is a confession with this guy. Every time.

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