Well fuck you, Mark Zuckerburg:
Facebook and Instagram have begun promptly removing posts that offer abortion pills to women who may not be able to access them after a Supreme Court decision that stripped away constitutional protections for the procedure.
....Almost immediately, Facebook and Instagram began removing some of these posts, just as millions across the U.S. were searching for clarity around abortion access....In an email, a Meta spokesperson pointed to company policies that prohibit the sale of certain items, including guns, alcohol, drugs and pharmaceuticals. The company did not explain the apparent disparities in its enforcement of that policy.
Let's get real. You can get a gun on Instagram easily and they know it. And until Friday you could get abortion pills too, prescribed legally by a board certified medical doctor.
But now suddenly you can't because it's illegal in some states? There's no logic here except kowtowing to vengeful Republican politicians. What a bunch of weenies.
They are not kowtowing, Zuckerberg is a leader of the fascist cause.
Funny, on right wing sites they believe he is a left winger who helped fund the stealing of the 2020 presidential election. Zuckerberg is a guy people love to hate.
Asking why people hate Mark Zuckerberg is like asking people why they hate Ted Cruz.
They both got into Harvard.
Doesn't say much for Harvard.
You're giving Zuckerbook too much credit.
He isn't caving, he's one of them.
They use the same sleazy PR firms as the Republican party. You don't do that unless you're buying goodwill. Sandberg went to their private events.
They are of course well aware of the Daily Caller puke funnel, as well as the other stable misinformation factories - we are, and we don't have their internal stats.
Facebook is a Republican operation. They keep it fairly "moderate", whatever that means now, for obvious reasons.
Facebook wants us to believe it's Bob Kerrey or Olympia Snowe, or at worst Arlen Specter, but it's absolutely Joe Liebermann & Susan Collins. Just the very worst of immoderate, intemperate, insecure "moderation".
And yet, I keep getting begging letters from the RNC that claim how social media is so biased against them. Yeah, another "librul meedia" whine, and we all know how that one works.
Abortion pills would seem to be the way of the future in the U.S. Facebook and Instagram are fading into the past, partly due to tone-deaf moves like this. Women who need them (pills) will be able to get them, regardless of what FB and IG do or say.
I should add, yes, fuck you Mark Zuckerberg.
Like +5.
Our problem is that too many billionaires & multimillionaires own not just major media outlets, but politicians. It's OK for them to engage in union-busting (actually prrevention), but blocking monopolies seems to be an idea whose time has gone.
Maybe their lawyers scared them about the possibility of states like Texas doing ugly things to them and are waiting for the air to clear a bit. Tell the truth, it's not be the worst idea if you are looking out for corporate interests...
And yet I do not know a single woman who will quit either service. But they will use Facebook to complain to their likeminded friends about it.
And the Facebook link remains on this blog…
Google Trends: https://bityl.co/CycC
(Search terms: abortion pill, Misoprostol, Mifepristone, abortion clinic)
Apparently when concatenated, the bitly url cuts out space characters. Full link: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=abortion%20pill,%2Fm%2F02n5vw,%2Fm%2F018svj,abortion%20clinic#TIMESERIES
Teh problem is there are proposed laws that make the dissemination of such info a crime. Therein is the reason I suspect.
With the reversal of Roe v. Wade, Zuckerberg's baby harvesting plans can become real.
What, you thought Peter Thiel was the only one looking for fresh blood?