With students at many colleges wrapping up final exams this week and preparing for their winter break, a number of schools, including Harvard, U.S.C. and Cornell, are warning their international students to return to campus before President-elect Donald J. Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20.
....“A travel ban is likely to go into effect soon after inauguration,” Cornell’s Office of Global Learning warned students on its website late last month, advising them to be back in the United States before the start of spring-semester classes on Jan. 21.... Colleges are also warning all students to prepare for possible delays at the border and in the processing of paperwork.
I don't blame the universities, of course. The warning makes perfect sense. What a dismal, stupid country we're about to become again.
Republicans must be so very proud that we are devolving into a Third World shithole.
Just wait until the Protection Squadron enforces exit visas, ostensibly to combat a sudden labor shortage. Only the best countries prevent citizens from leaving freely.
I think they believe that it can only be a shithole if nonwhite people are in charge. The same exact corruption and religious nutbuggery and cultural deficiencies, when implemented by white people, must be good and righteous.
There seem to be any number of MAGAts that believe that e.g. Ukraine is a shithole, and the last time I looked Ukrainians tend to be pretty pale.
They normally wouldn’t care at all about Ukraine, except it was liberalizing in opposition to equally-pale and vastly more corrupt Russia. I suppose there’s a corollary to be written about relatively liberal places, like Our Cities ™️, Which Are Burning Due to Wokeness.
Move to Canada, earn residency, go to world-class uni for nearly free, amirite?
or become our 51st state...
Canadians have had innumerable opportunities, many at literal gunpoint, over the last 300 years to become part of the United States. They have resisted strongly and violently every time.
Moreover, if Canadians did decide to merge with the US, to save us from ourselves or some other Canadian-nice thing, they'd need to come in as at least as many states as they have provinces. That's 10, if I read wikipedia right.
Ten provinces (British Columbia; Alberta; Saskatchewan; Manitoba; Ontario; Quebec; New Brunswick; Nova Scotia; Prince Edward Island; Newfoundland & Labrador) and three federal territories (Yukon; Northwest Territories; Nunavut).
Canadian universities don't charge foreign students as much as the higher profile American schools do, but "nearly free" is an exaggeration.
Even if one has the Canadian equivalent of a Green Card?
The "Green Card" equivalent in Canada is Permanent Residency, at which point other than voting in elections they pretty much enjoy the same rights and privileges of citizens.
So a foreign student would no longer have to pay international differential fees (which are a huge additional percentage, in some places a full 100% of tuition for locals), but they'd still have to pay tuition the same as every Canadian. Nowhere close to the fees in the US but far from "nearly free".
That's what i thought.
I apologize for using an extreme level of hyperbole to make a sarcastic comment about the cost of an American university education. 🙏
I do hope this endless body of evidence leads to some serious reconsideration of Democratic Party / liberal / progressive politics among you all. This country is beyond redemption and unworthy of your advocacy. Let it go…
Which isn’t to say that you shouldn’t support your friends and family. You should! But the federal government isn’t going to be the way to do it. Let it go…
Good luck!
I do hope your repeated promotion of bigotry and violence bites you in the ass, Justin.
Have these guys been reading different newspapers than I have? I mean I know Trump opposes illegal crossings and might come down hard and fast on the southern border and on people coming in illegally.
But I have not seen anything indicating that Trump is going to try to make it more difficult for foreign students to re-enter the USA, never mind a travel ban. especially as a top priority after election day.
Anyone have anything specific about this? Or is it just some universities inflating their fears of Trump on general principles...
Trump said in September he intended to bring back the travel ban. It's mentioned in the NYT article and in other media.
Why would you think that's not going to happen? He doesn't need Congress. Scotus has already blessed the move.
FYI 1.1M international students in the US, 54% from India, China
The one that banned visitors from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen? Not many foreign students from there, or people in general visiting from those countries, really.
The Muslim ban was unannounced - people subject to it were already on planes when it went into effect 7 days after Inauguration Day 2017. And possibly the only reason it took a week to go into effect was that nobody on Trump's team at the time knew how to write an Executive Order. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13769
There's no reason to think that Stephen Miller doesn't know how to write an EO now in faster time.
Jesus, between the trolls like Justin saying "lol nothing matters, so fuck everything" and the rubes like Tango apparently knowing nothing of recent American history, this blog is really going downhill.
A reinstatement of the Muslim countries ban is trivial when it comes to foreign student populations. Using the threat of that to justify telling all your foreign students that they should get in before inauguration day is silly. I thought that there had to be something more that he had said that would prompt such concerns.
Your name-calling but lack of evidence that there was anything else that would justify such concerns kind of supports my original thoughts.
Tango: were you in a coma during Trump 1?
No, I was just wondering if folks were talking about the ban affecting the Moslem countries was what the ruckus was about. Because banning entry from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemenis trivial in terms of college students. The ban he imposed last time should not prompt such a strong warning for foreign college students.
I was thinking if there was anything BIGGER that he proposed (I had not heard of anything bigger). And apparently not.
Maybe those students should stay home.
Across Asia, the ‘manosphere’ cheers the return of Donald Trump
Young men from China to South Korea are celebrating Trump’s re-election as a victory against anti-male sentiment.
Everyone hates squishy liberals. And women. And no doubt many others!
Didn't Trump also promise green cards to foreign students who graduate? It's impossible to know what he'll actually do once in office, so the universities have offered prudent advice. Just in case he stops all travel from a bunch of countries until he can figure out what is going on.
So, international travel will be stopped forever.
About to become? When did we ever stop?
Honestly, I don't get this:
"I don't blame the universities, of course. The warning makes perfect sense."
Does it? Could that be fleshed out a bit, please? Because I don't see why their warning makes perfect sense.
Now I will grant that it's a good idea to be prepared. But that still doesn't justify a type of behavior (on the Left) that could potentially be viewed as paranoid if not nihilistic.
The President of the USA does have power, but he simply is not all-powerful. And that's just as true for Trump for as it is for anyone else. And I just don't get all the cowering that's going on. Josh Marshall at TPM has been one of the few Lefty voices I've seen making similar points:
"For myself, I’m with former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, whose response to Trump was 'bring it on.' This isn’t just about the personal and aesthetic importance of standing or going down fighting rather than cowering. There’s also the deeper issue ... which is how much fuel anyone should give Trump, how large a penumbra of fear and shock we should allow Trump to cast with boasts he probably lacks the courage to make good on and would probably struggle to make good on if he were up to trying."
Trump is good at being a conman: that's what helped get him elected. But being an exceedingly talented conman does not, so far as I can tell, help anybody govern in an efficient or effective manner. Instead, it leads to exactly what Josh Marshall describes above: a lot of empty boasting and failed initiatives.
And that may be especially true in our complex federal system where the checks on a President's power and influence run through more institutions (federal, state, and local) than anyone could even plausibly keep track of. That sort of system is where the boasts of a conman go to die.
So at best I would say that the university warnings are straddling the line between acceptable and alarmist. I would not say they make perfect sense. At worst, some ill-conceived executive order comes down that gets instantaneously challenged in court and then held up by an injunction. And, yes, it will indeed be annoying to spend the next four years that way. But for goodness sake, stop cowering.
As asked of Tango above, where you in a coma during the first Trump Presidency? What the universities are warning about right now already happened during his first term when he set his Muslim ban. The problem is that he seems to want to expand it to a whole lot more people.
You'd have to be an idiot, which in fairness you often are, to think that students from oversees would just take it as no big deal because at some point in some indefinite future there might be a case brought to court and some months later Trump may be told to relent (a fool's bet considering the current right wing corruption infesting the court system, especially at the highest court in the land), at which point they'd have to figure how to recuperate lost tuition, research work, missed coursework, not to mention any potential problems because of time limits on their student visas, but it's all good, because dipshits like Leo think everyone is panicking too much.
Yes, you are panicking too much, and, yes, it’s counter productive. The counter productive nature of such panic can be seen in your misguided attempts to raise as much hysteria as possible.
Perhaps some people feel fulfilled in some way by an opportunity to hyperventilate that the sky is falling. But the sky is always falling. And yet it never falls.
There are a lot of people who enjoy hyperventilating about Trump. There are real concerns in a number of areas to be sure, but a lot of the commentators here seem take their cues from others in their information bubble who almost assume the worst case scenario is likely and imminent.
If we’re going to weaken America, we might as well start with soft power!