Here is part of the New York Times write-up of the PRRI poll that I posted about this morning:
The Public Religion Research Institute and the Interfaith Youth Core found a strong correlation between where people get their news and how much they believe in QAnon’s ideas. Among those who said they most trusted far-right news outlets, such as One America News Network and Newsmax, two in five qualified as full-on QAnon believers. Fully 48 percent of these news consumers said they expected a storm to wipe away the elites soon.
That puts these news consumers far out of alignment with the rest of the country — even fans of the conservative-leaning Fox News. Among respondents who preferred Fox News above other sources, 18 percent were QAnon believers.
There you have it. Now that the world contains Newsmax, Fox News is merely "conservative leaning." The working of the refs is officially complete.
Nothing personally, but this is dialectical nonsense. A storm to wipe away the elites??? Themselves??? Maybe when you'll learn that all politics is dialectical, you will understand theories of nature are controlled.
Yes, progtards are gibberish. Ghengis said kill all the men and eff all the women. There is a reason why.
No there isn't
Ghengis saved th planet as farms died and forests regrew.
Ghengis was guilty of wrong dialetical nonsense, which you would understand if you really understood the dialecticalism nature of politics.
This is why Midgard = gibberish.
& it all goes back to Kaepernick. Years before he was woke, he already promised #7tormscoming.
As usual Midgard obscures his point with marxist rhetoric, but he's not wrong.
EVERY FSCKING ONE of these polls is no longer an exercise in uncovering "true belief", it is simply a checking of the boxes of tribal affinity. We ALL KNOW THIS -- and yet the NYT continues to pretend that there's important and shocking information here.
Look, no-one apart from a few lunatics really thinks "a storm will wipe away the elites". How do I know -- because no-one is changing any aspect of their life in preparation for this massive event! All that's being measured is the catechism of the deep red tribe. And catechism is cheap talk, not true belief.
And of course it works the other way as well. Ye average silicon valley professional will say various things in a poll about men vs women, sexuality, racial stereotypes, blah blah. Then look at how they actually live their lives and how they raise their kids -- once again a massive gap between the catechism and the lived reality.
The more I see stuff like this, the more I think Hillary Clinton was right in her “basket of deplorables” comment. As I recall it, she was talking to her campaign workers and told them not to waste their time trying to change the minds of these people who she indicated made up about half of the Republicans. She indicated they should concentrate their energies on the other half who, she thought, might be reached. This seems about right to me. Half of the Republican Party is just plain nuts. It’s a waste of time trying to appeal to them in any way.
And, by the way, who are these 42% of Democrats who don’t flat out reject the QAnon crap?
I would assume that 42% don't having a fucking clue what it is. If you are confronted by it all at once it's easy to overwhelmed by the incoherent madness.
Hillary Clinton was spot on in 1998 when she referred to the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy." But the media, obediently following the right wing nuts as always, made fun of that, too.
A big part of this country's problems is that we refuse to listen to Hillary Clinton.
If half of the republican party is "just plain nuts", what percent of the democratic party fit that description?
We have our share of idiots. But nothing to compare to the MTGs and Matt Gaetzs of your world. It seems like about half of the Republican Party is willing to accept that Trump really won the election and that it was stolen from him by fellow Republicans who were in league with Democrats. If you, like you said you would, really voted for Biden, then they see you as a traitor. That faction of your Party thinks Mike Pence is a traitor! And there is a very large number that are willing to entertain that that insanity is true. What part of nuts do you think doesn’t apply to those people?
Sure, we have our crazies. But none who would call themselves patriots while they stormed the Capitol in an attempt to overthrow our government.
The Democratic Party tends to marginalize its nutcases; they don't feel really welcome, so there aren't very many of them. The left wing nutcases tend to belong to the Green Party; the far left nutcases belong to the Communist Party. In the Republican party, on the other hand, they welcome the nutcases and make them president; the result is that the Republican Party has A LOT of nutcases.
Michigan & Ohio union guys.
They didn't vote for Shrillary, though prolly voted for El Pepe Maximo, but they still think it likely Bernie was cheated by NAMBLA... I mean, the DLC.
Hillary unquestionably was right in her initial assessment that the Republican Party is a collection. Where she went wrong was in lacking the political instincts to understand that having made the statement, she needed to back it up all the way rather than back down and appease conservatives who’s delicate feeling were hurt.
She needed to say something along the lines of how the Republican Party was filled with deplorable, had chosen a deplorable, mentally ill demagogue with authoritarian tendencies as it’s maximum leader and so people needed to not simply vote for her as an individual but that non-deplorable people needed to leave the Republican Party and vote for a solidly Democratic ticket because that was the key to saving the country. Instead, she backed down and validate the conservative reaction. It’s a big part of why she’s not president.
That, and the poor political instincts to say it out loud in the first place. It reminded me of Romney's stupid statement that nearly 50 percent of voters would never vote for him--why would you ever, when running for national office, announce that a huge chunk of the electorate is unreachable by your message?
I agree. If Hillary didn’t mean it, she shouldn’t have said it. If she meant it, she needed to back it up all the way and also make it a clear statement of the difference between the two parties and way that necessarily should lead Republicans to defect not simply to her but to the Democratic Party. As it was, she got clobbered both coming and going.
If I recall correctly she did not make the comment as a political statement. She was talking to her door to door campaign workers and making a realistic assessment of the situation. If you go to a door that is one of the 50% who can’t be reached, don’t waste your time and energy trying to convince them they are wrong. Move on to the people who might have their minds changed.
And she didn’t get clobbered. She lost in our weird system of electing presidents by a slim margin. There are lots of reasons for that, including the Comey letter. At the time, she thought Florida was in play and she was trying to appeal to moderate Republicans of the type who became “Never Trumpers”. If she had made a clear statement of the type you suggest and still lost do you doubt that her loss would be blamed on that statement alienating those people?
My old boss taught me not to say anything I didn't want to read in tomorrow’s Times-Picayune.
The other thing is that the appeal to conservatives was always flawed and doomed to failure. There was a hope that Romney voters would defect but there simply was no basis for it and the effort to attract them alienated enough liberals, minorities, and wavering blue collar Democrats to make a difference in the crucial firewall states.
What’s more, Hillary looked weak doing all the abject apologizing and backpedaling. What she needed to do was to explain a positive reason why people should vote for her and that she’d be something more than “not Donald Trump”.
Uh, did that article confuse a storm with "The Storm"?
So it seems... Hahahaha. Err. Not funny.
Look, it doesn't really matter. Newsmax or Fox News or QAnon. A significant portion of the American people hates Dems' guts.
Not a little bit. Not "disagree with (our) hopes and plans for the country's direction". Hate. Absolute. Tribal hatred, of the kind known to lead to genocide. Willing to suffer demonstrable, personal harm in order to make libs cry.
And it's mostly a mood affiliation?!? From a practical standpoint, these people are fine. But, IDK, the idea that the 50s culture mores are over just drive them nuts. And, it's not like the left is free of its own culture warriors nuts but, generally speaking, outside of Twitter, academia, media and Hollywood, their impact is limited. But somehow the latest overreaching cancellation by the left is more important that healthcare, job security, unemployment benefits, tax levels, foreign policy choices etc etc.
The true issue is that, sadly, beliefs about the culture, just like creationism, say, aren't at play in real life often enough to self correct via culling of the believers (as opposed to, say, weird gravity related beliefs that would lead you to think you can fly by jumping off a building).
You do realize everything is hatred, don't you???? Killing.contards, their emasculated lifestyle would be a start. It's ok to completely testosterone destroy these traitors don't you??? The coming of the alt-left will have consequences.
Are you okay?
When I pardon Ted K you will understand right?????
You really tied one on last night.
Tied on on???? Tell that one to provide or that uber stand that Nazi predicted the future of left wing politics
Yeah, Middy here is even more unhinged and incoherent than normal.
I don't think a country like the US could devolve into Rwanda, but I definitely think mass shooting events will become more centered on Anders Brevig Breivik style exterminations of leftists. (Some could say Dylann Roof got the jump on that, but #OurRevolution would contest that the dead in that case were truly left.)
Fair enough. There's still some margin till we get Rwanda in the USA... but, watch. If I was living there, I wouldn't be too complacent...
This proves my point about the problem being bottom-up rather than top-down. Also, the bidding war is only just barely getting started. It will escalate day over day. It has a long, long way to go.
My father told me free markets are for faggots. What then proggies???
What a weirdo. I hope KD has reported you to the proper authorities. When you see something, say something.
Peter Thiel did nothing wrong.