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Friday AI Cat Blogging – 22 December 2023

Today we get one second more daylight than yesterday. Hooray! That may not seem like a lot, but don't worry: it adds up fast.

This week, instead of a boring old accurate photograph of Hilbert, I asked GPT4 to create a portrait of him. This turned out to be surprisingly difficult. It says it can't just go out to the internet and find pictures, so I had to upload one. Then another. And another. But no matter how much I tried, and how many hints I gave it, GPT4 absolutely insisted on giving Hilbert a white forehead. (Click here to see what he actually looks like.) I finally gave up and instead asked it to redraw the portrait in the style of Monet. This prompted the following odd response:

I'm unable to create an image in the style of Claude Monet due to the content policy, which prevents generating images in the style of artists whose latest work was created after 1912. If you'd like, I can create an image inspired by the qualities of Impressionist painting, such as soft brushstrokes and a play of light, without directly referencing Monet's style. Would you like me to try that instead?

What's up with that? And why 1912? But I said fine, do that. The result was more teen unicorn than Impressionist, but I guess you can't take the artificial out of AI.

27 thoughts on “Friday AI Cat Blogging – 22 December 2023

  1. S1AMER

    My cats and I will stick with old-fashioned cat photography, where I try to get them to stay in cute positions and they don't give a damn.

    1. pjcamp1905

      Steamboat Willie Mickey (the bouncy one) goes public domain in January. That's the Sonny Bono rule, the only thing he accomplished in Congress before testing his head against a tree. 1923 = 1928 + 95.

  2. Larry Jones

    Today we get one second more daylight than yesterday. Hooray!

    My weather app says between today (December 22) and tomorrow, that number goes up to two seconds more daylight! This looks like a trend, and I think it's clear we did the right thing in sacrificing those virgins.

  3. shapeofsociety

    Next time, ask for Hilbert in the style of Michelangelo. You'll know it's legit if there are several gratuitous naked dudes in the background.

  4. pjcamp1905

    1912 because Monet is French.

    "In contrast to a work published in the United States prior to 1923, an artwork published outside of the United States before 1923, but after 1909, is not necessarily in the public domain, unless the publication contained a complete copyright notice as formerly required under the Copyright Act of 1909, e.g. "© 1922 John Doe" or "Copyright 1910 Jane Doe." This is the controversial result of a recent federal circuit court’s decision that a foreign publication without a complete copyright notice is not technically a "publication," which would begin the copyright term under the 1909 Act. Under this odd rule, two publications of an artwork in foreign editions of the same book – one with a copyright notice and the other without – have different effects on the copyright status of the artwork."

  5. Owns 9 Fedoras

    First try using Midjourney, the prompt being "Front view of a curious cat in a pleasant garden surrounded by flowers, the cat is black with a white chest."

    Copied to dropbox, I'm not sure if the discord image link would persist.

    Irrelevant grump: the decision to embed Midjourney inside Discord has to rank among the stupidest UI choices every made...

  6. Joseph Harbin

    Did Hilbert give consent? Cats may have been overlooked in the new SAG-AFTRA agreement on AI. But you can be sure that cats will be on strike in 2024.

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