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Friday Cat Blogging – 14 January 2022

This is a companion to last week's photo of Hilbert during his adventures outside. We're keeping Charlie inside until we think he can be trusted not to run into the street or jump the fence out of the backyard, and that day is quite a ways off. In the meantime, Charlie really wants to go outside. How come Hilbert gets all the fun?

10 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 14 January 2022

    1. Ken Rhodes

      They do, and they also make the cutest little harnesses for them, so you don't have to attach their leash to a collar. People who travel long distances on their boats use them a lot.

      On the other hand, you can try to picture the reaction of a cat when it is introduced to that loss of freedom. After you finish laughing at imagining that, picture if the cat is still a kitten.

  1. bebopman

    Poor Charlie! All the little angel wants to do is create utter chaos among God’s backyard creatures, which, after all, is part of a kitten’s job. (After creating chaos among God’s indoor creatures. He wants to expand his chaotic horizons.)
    It’s like my young dog insisting on chasing every single squirrel in the park (which is why one of my arms is longer than the other). She has never caught a squirrel . She must know that she will never catch a squirrel. Creating chaos is the point.

  2. KawSunflower

    Have walked 3 cats on leashes with harnesses, but poor Charlie would soon outgrow any, & they must fit well. One cat grew to love our walks, but finally balked at the harness- he stayed by my side & was picked up immediately if frightened.

    Maybe Kevin & Marian could use one of the cat carriers or backpacks designed with a mesh section for air & a view? Charlie looks so desperate not to be abandoned!

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