Back in the day, this lamp sported an incandescent bulb that provided some lovely warmth for a snoozing cat. We replaced it long ago with an LED bulb, but Hilbert still loves it. Apparently the Pavlovian association of light with warmth continues even years after it's been broken.
15 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 14 May 2021”
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Better that than your laptop
Kitty heating pad that warms whenever the cat sits on it has become popular around here, not least with my husband, who likes to sit on it when it isn't otherwise occupied!
Is that wall vent a heat source as well, or just AC?
That looks like a return vent.
Incandescent bulbs are gone yet the landline phone persists.
In case of weather ,& electrical emergencies, no doubt. But in OC?
Yet it appears to be a handset dependent on power from the electrical system rather than the phone system... perhaps there is a “full POTS” phone elsewhere in the house.
A tape measure, and are those floor tile samples? Kitty's planning some renovations?
Those are tarot cards and an electric nail trimmer.
Those are coasters! And the tape measure is a cat toy...
Yet it is not supposed to be the size of the tail that matters but how it swishes which counts...
Warmth Smarmth. Hilbert’s a cat. He knows he should always be in the spotlight. Cue the spotlight music.
Shop Owner Installs Glass Ceiling For Cats So They Can Stare At Him While He Works,
I notice the table is square . . . .
Land touchingly retro.