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Friday Cat Blogging – 16 July 2021

Here's something I haven't seen for a while: Hopper hiding behind the drapes. It's possible she was looking for her lizard, which she brought into the house yesterday but which then mysteriously disappeared after the humans came home. What do you suppose happened to it?

6 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 16 July 2021

  1. akapneogy

    "What do you suppose happened to it?"

    Object impermanenec. Babies know it. Gown ups need a course in quantum mechanics to re-learn it.

  2. Salamander

    Back when I had three cats, I naively figured that this would keep the house free of rodents. WRONG!! Sometimes, when a cat would catch a mouse and bring it inside to play with, the "toy" would escape and take up residence.

    At least, until it eventually came to a grisly end.

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