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Friday Cat Blogging – 16 June 2023

Everyone wants to be let in! Of course, five minutes later they'll be demanding to be let out. This is annoying enough that I usually just leave the door open, but lately they've been dragging lizards into the house. So now I keep the door closed, which lets me check them out before they come in.

15 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 16 June 2023

    1. Eve

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  1. Salamander

    You may be experiencing more than usual of this "Let me in! Now let me out!" tango. After your very long absence, the little beasts want to make sure you haven't forgotten your training.

  2. Keith B

    Reminds me of the time, in the middle of winter, with snow on the ground, that the cat wanted to be let in. Of course we did. What we didn't see was that he brought a mouse in with him. So we and the cat chased the mouse all over the living room until we caught it. When we put it outside the cat looked at us as though we were crazy. What kind of lunatic would want to throw away a perfectly good mouse?

    1. MikeTheMathGuy

      Decades ago I was on a cross-country road trip, and was planning to spend a few days with my uncle and his new wife, whom I had never met. The timing was such that they were going to be out of town on the night of my arrival; they were kind enough to tell me where to find the key to their house so I could just come on in and make myself at home. Their only request was that I let the cat out briefly.

      So I did all that, and it went wonderfully -- until I let the cat back in. Before I could see what was happening, it carried a live mouse into the center of the living room and dropped it on the rug. The mouse took off to parts unknown. Oh, great -- I'm a guest in the beautifully maintained home of the aunt I don't even know, and the first thing I'm going to have to tell her upon being introduced is that I let the cat bring a rodent into the house.

      My aunt, a wonderful woman, actually thought it was very funny, but it's one more reason I'm not a cat person.

    2. J. Frank Parnell

      We once had a cat who brought home a unscratched bunny through his own cat door. We caught the bunny and set it loose and the cat was pissed for several days. He would try to stomp around the house, but stomping is just something cats can’t pull off very well.

  3. Heysus

    Good heavens Kevin, as a cat owner, don't you realise that it is a cats prerogative to ask to go out then turn around and come back in. They will do it as long as you keep letting them out 'on demand'. Cats are always in charge. Good luck. Love the pic.

    1. J. Frank Parnell

      Worse are cat’s demand that if they demand to go out the front door but find out when the door is opened that it is raining, they have the prerogative to check the back door in case it is not raining in the alternative universe out the back door.

  4. raoul

    The predicate of the investigation and the appointment of Cafe Muller was indeed supported by the Beltway. But let me also say that the former FBI director was past his expiration date. Enough said.

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