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Friday Cat Blogging – 17 September 2021

As long as poor Hopper has to stay in her cone, she gets special treatment. That includes her own food dish, her own water dish, and Friday catblogging every week.

Hilbert is not happy with this since he thinks he's the one who's truly suffering. He remains bizarrely nervous around Hopper, as if the cone has transformed her into something very strange and possibly dangerous. I really have no idea what's going on. She can't smell all that much different, can she?

Anyway, here she is sitting on my lap and demanding that I pet her and scratch her tummy. Which I did.

7 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 17 September 2021

    1. gyrfalcon

      She sure can't, and she's undoubtedly in a bad mood about it, which is undoubtedly why Hilbert is uncomfortable with her right now.

  1. Traveller

    Can I use CatBlogging as a quick Open Thread? Well, quickly then, (I have some real writing to do), in the Gen Milley post, I lamented that a thermonuclear exchange would be the end of Mankind, though not life of course.

    For unknowable reasons I researched this a little last evening...and Omnicide, (a new word for me), through thermonuclear war would not be likely. Serious people with serious math skills calculate this as only about 2bn deaths, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere would be the result.

    Others disagree, including myself with no math skills, (ahem!), but what was most distressing to me was that serious people were seriously discussing the survival of a major thermonuclear exchange....(when was the last time you had to grow for yourself enough food to feed yourself, and could you?)

    Be that as it may, I apologize for my possibly overwroughtobjection to the exchange of bunches of thermonuclear weapons. (have at it, I guess)


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