Here is Hilbert as the setting sun shines through our front window, lighting up his eyes magnificently. Is he aware that Charlie is photobombing him? His alert expression suggests "maybe."
13 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 18 March 2022”
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And did Charlie attack. A cat's gotta do what a cat's gotta do....
No, he just wandered by and watched the photo shoot.
Hilbert's expression is inscrutable, but his ears tell him, & his ears tell us.
Hilbert has a regal mien.
And in the really important news of the day, petfluencer and goodlooking tabby Stepan and his hoomans made it safely to France:
Is alert the same thing as stoned?
That's the look the Egyptians were aiming for when they built the Sphinx. Sadly, they had to work with a human face.
That’s what I was thinking. He seems to be waiting for the guy with the chisel to finish with the Hilbert pyramid.
Curious how the double oven is working out.
Good to hear. My SWMBO (today I suppose that must translate to Spouse Who Must Be Obeyed or perhaps be altered to Partner Who Must Be Obeyed) is looking forward to such things. I’m wondering if we’ll be able to swing the ground-loop heat pump HVAC and go fully electric…)
How many cats get hit by cars, vs pedestrians, or other animate objects? Never wondered about such things before but I bet the means are worth the ends, given cats and all. Still...I've got a bug up my ass.
This new war. Good one. An honest to goodness, good old Russia, finally saying fuck you western alliance. You wouldn't be where you are without what we did, whatever our motives, 70 years ago. Eight years before Putin was born! Still, they've been keeping score and by their tally, we OWE them Ukraine. At least. Except. No one cares.*
Except. Clearly. Our modern version of economic perverts: the very wealthy. Front and center, just a few of them, I suppose. But peripherally, by association, more than a few. So they can fund their own turf war. For kicks I suppose for all it could possibly matter otherwise to anyone outside of them.
Are the super rich people on this planet ready to do WWIII for kicks? I'm about ready to bet they are. But who cares? A million souls lost here, lost there? "Half of the people are drowned and the other half are swimming in the wrong direction."
"They call it Glorious Living."
* Like Israel.
An odd spot to relax(much traffic but of course that traffic gives way to the royalty), but a difficult setting for the youngster to sharpen the stalking skills. What a masterful teacher.