Here's an odd thing. With my old camera and old flash unit I could never take a picture of Hilbert. Charlie was fine, but Hilbert's eyes always came out pitch black. This happened even though I always use bounce flash, not direct flash.
But with my new camera and new flash everything is fine. As you can see, Hilbert's eyes are lovely and bright.
I can't explain this. It's the same brand of flash. It sits on the hot shoe, just like the other one. It's pointed directly upward, as always. I wonder what the difference is?
Perhaps there is "AI" in your new camera... or the new flash is ever so slightly different in spectra. Assuming the interfaces are standard, try the new flash on the old camera and the old flash on the new camera...
He changed his colorway….
You got me with that one. Well played.
I can't get past hot shoe..🤔. I haven't used a camera in decades. My phone is more convenient.
It is more convenient, but the sensor in a pro camera is larger than all the phone lenses combined, so... it's useful for taking detailed pictures.
Meooooow. Kitties keep your eyes on their eyes...Kitties know.
If you checked the date time stamp on the image, you'd see that it coincides with a day/time/millisecond he felt like allowing you to take his photo.
It's clear that Hilbert is no longer possessed by a demon. Was there a priest in your house recently? Maybe walking by on the sidewalk?
Better TTL flash metering?
If you're comparing digital cameras, wouldn't it be because of the sensor's gamut range? Or it could be differences in the implementation of red-eye reduction (or a lack thereof in the older camera).
Good looking cat.
Three seconds before...the end.
If I had to guess, since I don't have any files or exposure data, perhaps the new camera blends in more ambient exposure into the mix, and his eyes look more natural. I could also go with the demonic possession hypothesis, or that Hilbert is a cat, and just likes to bust the balls of his servants.
you got a new camera? Not the RX10 anymore?
Hilbert still disapproves of you stealing his soul every Friday, eyes or no.