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Friday Cat Blogging – 22 March 2024

A few days ago I was out for a walk and came across a woman taking a picture of a very photogenic cat. It was Charlie, who had jumped the fence and was roaming around several houses away.

This alarmed Marian, who decided he needed a collar. So in today's picture you can see his stylish new—

Wait. No you can't. It's pretty much completely hidden by his fur. But you can see his favorite bird bath, which is sadly empty. The water has all evaporated since our last rain, so there's no yummy outdoors slush to drink. And no rain is forecast for the next couple of weeks. Perhaps the garden hose will make a surprise appearance in the meantime.

9 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 22 March 2024

  1. dspcole

    Not only is there no water, but there are no birds. And he looks pissed…
    I worry about collars on cats. They can get tangled

  2. KawSunflower

    Hilbert & Charlie have such a lovely home & yard, I wish that they would remain safely at home & will join those also hoping that they are microchipped & that any /all collars are the breakaway type.

    Also praying for the local avian population!

  3. Salamander

    Collars made for cats have elastic, so they can shuck them off if necessary, so it's wise to have a tag with some contact info for when people find them.

    I once found the collar of the neighbor's cat on a porch chair in the back yard. It was stuck by its tags, which had apparently gone through the holes in the wire mesh of the seat when the cat lay back. The tags fit diagonally, but must have rotated, trapping the poor beast, who managed to free himself and leave.

    1. KawSunflower

      Not all cat collars are elasticized, & some vets do not recommend those that are due to the possibility of injuries. There are still traditional collars without elastic, plus the breakaway ones - the buckles are designed to open up if they catch on an object and that cst needs to be released.

  4. Heysus

    Charlie does not look like a happy cat.
    My neighbours cat comes over to do a search of my house
    fairly frequently. He has found somewhere to hide and nap
    and I thought he had gone only to have him appear, from where???

  5. steverinoCT

    My question is, did Charlie come over for scritches? My guys were friendly, but one was also rather blasé. I have a photo of her: she was relaxing in the cool grass, loaf-style, and a guy wanting to try out his new camera took her picture. He got down in the grass, directly in front of her, and snapped some shots with his noisy classic SLR (this was many years ago). Not only is she not looking at him, her ears are not even cocked his way. I hope he did pet her afterwards.

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