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Friday Cat Blogging – 25 June 2021

"Yeah, he's right here . . . No, he's not happy . . . Why? Come on, Joe. A trillion dollars for infrastructure and nothing about cat food. What were you thinking? . . . Sure, sure, "when the timing is better." He's heard that before . . . Uh huh. And when is there going to be a cat in the White House, anyway? WE WANT THE CAT. WE WANT THE CAT."

5 thoughts on “Friday Cat Blogging – 25 June 2021

  1. cld

    Are these gams I see before me?
    tis but a feather of the mind
    their alabaster beauty shines like dew
    upon a statue in the park
    testaments of eternity

  2. dausuul

    The last Presidential cat was George W. Bush's cat India. Pity it didn't get more say in policy.

    "So, Dick says we should invade Iraq. India, what do you think? Hmm... the cat makes a good point, gentlemen. Order the troops to take a nap instead. And make sure every division has a full complement of laser pointers."

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