Oh ffs. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants a "national divorce"? I thought these guys were supposed to be the patriots? And if they can't have their divorce, there's this:
In case you were wondering if the devastating messages, revealed in the Dominion suit, had any impact…
Hannity said tonight that he supports MTG’s batshit idea of banning people from voting for 5 years if they move from a blue state to a red state. pic.twitter.com/m3Aoe51mW4
— Bill Grueskin (@BGrueskin) February 22, 2023
Is anyone in the Republican Party willing to say anything about this? I doubt it. They'll criticize fellow Republicans occasionally, but never the mighty Fox News. That's too dangerous. The whole party is in the grip of straight-up poltroonery, and there's no sign of an end to it anytime soon.
One particular Trump accomplishment: He got people to out themselves as Fascists.
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Welcome to the world where ideas are not measured by the strength but solely by their ability to create controversy and draw attention.
I'd link to the Attention Economy description but Kevin's site won't let me.
They've already figured out the new game.
waiting for an entirely off subject discussion about the use of "poltroonery" much like "nothingburger" recently
Kevin calls it poltroonery. I like moronosity.
PATRIOTS! They are Putin / Orban loving, white Christian nationalist, MAGA shitheads. Dissolution of the US is a wet dream for Russia & China, and now clearly for the MAGA GOP.
Not quite ready for a national divorce, but right or wrong, I am loathing the idea of spending any money visiting Red America, especially DeathSantis World.
Yeah, I understand "poltroon" to mean "coward". So I think Kevin is accusing the rest of the Republican Party of cowardice of the worst kind.
More insanity by House GOP:
Today Alabama. Rep. Barry Moore announced the new bill he is introducing that would make the AR-15 the “National Gun of America.”
“For nearly two decades unconstitutional and un-American anti-gun groups have specifically targeted the AR-15 despite it being a cornerstone of American culture for over 60 years,” Moore said. “If a specific firearm is synonymous to Americana then it would be the AR-15. My bill, the ‘AR-15 National Gun Act,’ would simply write that into law designating that AR-15 style rifles chamber in .556 or .223 as the national gun of the United States.
“The AR-15 has been a quintessential piece of Americana for over six decades and this bill would recognize its most common configuration as our country’s national gun.”
- - - - - - -
Not Kentucky Rifle, 1873 Winchester, Colt Single Action, Springfield Trapdoor, or any other firearm from American history.
Perhaps we can make mass shooting the Official Murderous Rampage of America as well.
Great idea. Yeah, let's do it.
You know what else was a cornerstone of American culture for almost 60 years? Roe v Wade, but I doubt Congressman Dumbass (R-Moronville) wants to commemorate that.
There is a version of the AR-15 that shoots a .556 projectile?????? Jeezus! What are they trying to kill, T-Rex? That's the size of a Civil War Minie Ball that would decapitate someone or tear a leg clean off.
Ha! He meant 5.56 mm.
Well, if guess that’s one way to assess the real costs of a cheap house with walk-in closets and a bonus room. As far as I can tell, lower housing costs are the main reason for red-state in-migration. However, California has many more Republicans than, say, Mississippi, so will they be allowed to vote when they move to live with kindred spirits? If it’s a “divorce” between the USA and… let’s say, a confederacy of red states, then presumably each side could have their own voting laws, and those laws would be just one of many issues to consider when businesses are looking to expand, or universities are recruiting students or staff.
to add onto to the massive logic fail of the plan is how does one determine whether a State is blue or red? here in Wisconsin, Blue wins the Statewide votes most of the time but the Reds dominate the legislative districts through gerrymandering. Are we red or blue?
Forget housing prices it's 95% weather related. The state of New York has on average cheaper housing than the state of Florida but people move to Florida for the weather. I've always said if New York had the climate of North Carolina 30 million people would live there, with climate change we may get to put that idea to the test. If cheap housing prices drove migration everyone would be rushing into instead of out of West Virginia.
Not only that, but Florida is soon to become half its size.
If 30M people try to live in NY (a 50% increase) because of cheaper housing, there won't be any cheaper housing.
Ah, but there wouldn't BE "universities" in a new Confederacy. There would be "Colleges", and "Academies" and "Private For Profit Educational Institutions", but something with its own endowment and ickiness like "tenure" and "academic freedom" would be way too "Twentieth Century" and uncontrolled. .
She's worried about Texas going blue. And rightly so. That will spell the end of her and her ilk.
I think people are self segregating anyway. Seems to be the only sane thing to do at this point since we clearly can't live together.
I seriously wonder when so-called blue states will get fed up and just stop sending their tax dollars to prop up the red states. Why should we finance people who just spit on us?
It definitely is a red flag for an abusive relationship.
"banning people from voting for 5 years if they move from a blue state to a red state."
Doesn't Hannity live in New York?
The idea of national unity based on anything but whiteness and Christianity doesn't make much sense to the Fox News folks. Especially since it requires ever-greater batshittery to move the needle of their brain-dead viewers, this kind of move by MTG is PURE GENIUS.
Bingo. Marge Taylor (NOT "MTG") and Hannity are trolling hardcore here. Of course they mean it at the same time, but this one got some serious guffaws in the see-gar lounge. It's actually funny, in a sick, black hearted way.
Is right-wing media anything other than an enormous BS factory? There clearly isn't any interest in reality, consistency in values, or desire to improve the lives of their audience. It's nothing but trolls trolling their own.
I wouldn't care, but this nonsense ends up taking up time and energy in the public discourse that could be spent on something more useful.
And this nonsense is getting people killed.
Yes. It's also an exercise in teleological nihilism.
As far as I can tell this is the logical conclusion of a widely circulated conservative trope that goes like this:
-Liberals in blue states have consistently elected liberal politicians.
-Those liberal politicians have just *ruined* blue states with their brainless policies, turning them into dystopian hellholes.
-Now liberals are fleeing to red states to escape the dystopias they created with their voting habits.
-Then these liberals vote blue in their new homes, which over time is going to turn those red states into new dystopias and ruin it for all those sensible conservatives in red states who really want to just be left alone.
-Therefore, liberals moving to red states should vote red. To not do so is disrespectful and just shows how stupid they are.
"dystopian hellholes"
That's what they call high real estate values.
Oddly that's exactly how I think about people from red states.
As a relatively recent denizen of a red state, I can confirm.
They seem to think that housing being so cheap (and incomes so low) is a sign of how desirable it is to live here, instead of the other way around.
MTG and SH inadvertently would disenfranchise the vast majority of the +100,000 republican residents of The Villages in central Florida, but I doubt if that is what they had in mind.
But there really is no such thing as red states and blue states. At best, we have red census districts and blue census districts.
I am reminded of the bumper sticker I've seen in the south. "Don't tell us how you do it up north." Of course that was in a state with one of the worst school systems in America. The local elementary school had broken windows and at night there was frequent gunfire in the distance.
Charming. I still remember "Drive 80 and freeze a Yankee."
This blog post titled "Weaponize Federalism" is a great place to start on how to avoid a civil war and a national divorce. I've linked to it before and I'll link to it again because it makes sense and continues to be relevant.
Some years ago, Alaska tried to set up its Permanent Fund so that annual payments to residents varied by how long they had lived in Alaska. The Supreme Court slapped them down, ruling citizens are citizens and all are to be treated the same under the law. Today all Alaskan residents receive the same payment ($3,284 in 2022). This is the United States of America dammit, we don't have an aristocratic class that is granted special rights under the law.
Zobel v. Williams held that payments based on length of residency (the dividend was originally proposed as $50 per year) created permanent class distinctions without legitimate purpose.
Voter disenfranchisement would be a temporary class, in principle extending a 30-day (or whatever) residency requirement to 5 years. The invidious distinction would occur if Red State migrants received a waiver, or if their home state's enfranchisement was treated differently than a Blue State's.
The fourteenth amendment requires "equal protection under the law to all citizens". A 30-day residency requirement can be justified as a way to prevent voter fraud. A five year residency requirement can't.
Since insHannity and EmptyG are both Patriots they must remember “No taxation without representation”. Since blue state people would not be able to vote then I suppose that means they would not be required to pay any taxes. That would be interesting.
The same logic says that non-citizens should be exempt from taxation, as should those under age 18 and anybody who has had their voting rights revoked for whatever reason.