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7 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving?

  1. Joseph Harbin

    The Times editorial board felt compelled to offer a rebuttal to its front page.

    There was a lot not to like about 2022. Russia invaded Ukraine ... [etc.].

    Even so, there were moments and acts of grace and inspiration over the course of the year that helped keep our spirits up. On this Thanksgiving, here are some of the people, events and trends that have given us reason to say a special thanks:

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. MattBallAZ

    Didn't really need a shot at people who don't eat factory-farmed animals, did we? On Thanksgiving?
    (And yeah, I'm *that* vegan. 😉

  3. Goosedat

    Happy is for describing birthday wishes. Merry describes what Christmas is hoped to bring its celebrants. Bountiful seems appropriate to acknowledging what Thanksgiving represents.

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