Today Democrats won a 51st Senate seat and the Trump Organization was found guilty of tax fraud. That's a pretty good day! I wonder what Wednesday will bring?
21 thoughts on “Happy Tuesday!”
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Cats, charts, and politics
Today Democrats won a 51st Senate seat and the Trump Organization was found guilty of tax fraud. That's a pretty good day! I wonder what Wednesday will bring?
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What will Wednesday bring? Lots and lots of all-caps butthurt shitposting from Trump.
But... that was MY plan for Wednesday!
My cousin could truly receive money in their spare time on their laptop. their best friend had been doing this 4 only about 12 months and by now cleared vxc04 the debt. in their mini mansion and bought a great Car.
That is what we do------------------------->>>
I was going to look at Wednesday yesterday but I got sidetracked by Maddow's Ultra.
My cousin could genuinely get cash in their extra time on their PC. their dearest companion had been doing this 4 somewhere around a year and at this point cleared the obligation. in their smaller than usual house and purchased an extraordinary Vehicle.
That is our specialty.
Very good and necessary for keeping the slow bleed-out of Trump going.
Doesn't look too professional to have a blog taken over by spam.
Bring back Disqus!
I'm not sure what to do about this. I use Akismet to block spam, but apparently it's been outfoxed. Maybe I need to find something better?
You certainly do.
I'm glad the race was called relatively early too and the win was not close, 2.8 percentage points difference and almost 100K votes as of Wed. morning with all (major) counties ca. 99% of the vote counted.
He's gonna file the first of about a hundred appeals, then rip up the Magna Carta. While claiming he never heard of Herschel Walker. And CNN/MSNBC will salivate over every single development.
Melania did it again....
It is still shocking that such a pathologically lying imbecile like Walker was not defeated in a landslide. Then again, the MAGA GOP (aka the entire GOP) seems to have an affinity for pathologically lying imbeciles.
Also, Mr. Drum needs to address the Spam that is encroaching on this blog before it is completely inundated with it.
Not really. Think if the Democrats nominated say, Tulsuli Gabbard who is a Russian agent. Would Democrats vote for her or say Mike DeWine with 50/50 senate?
I would have a real tough time voting for Gabbard vs a sane Republican (assuming there was one). Electing Walker would not have resulted in McConnel becoming the Majority Leader, so there was not that much at stake for the GOP in 2022.
I guess I need to realize the reality of tribalism in the current US political environment, vs the olden days (like 2008), when so many republicans who liked McCain were put of enough by Palin being a heartbeat from the oval office, that many didn't vote for the top of the ticket.
I voted for George W in 2000, because I thought Gore was more likely to get us into a foreign military confrontation. Big fucking mistake.
The fiction we tell ourselves is that we are voting for individuals and that the competency of a candidate matters. In reality, we are tribal and party identification accounts for an overwhelming percentage of voter choice. Fortunately the remaining tiny percentage assigned to a candidate is enough for close races — most likely due to suppressing supporter turnout.
What would a Democratic candidate as patently ridiculous as Herschel Walker look like?
-- would have no discernable skills or relevant experience, or even idea of what the job itself entailed
-- unable to articulate a progressive platform in anything resembling coherent English
-- would advocate for gun control, but be discovered to have a lifetime membership in NRA and a large collection of semi-automatic weapons
-- would claim to be antiracist, but numerous people come forward claiming to have heard him/her use the n-word or belittle people of color.
-- would claim to be pro-choice, but had secretly donated to anti-abortion groups over the years
If someone like this made it through the primary and garned close to half the vote in a fairly blue state against a reasonable, qualified Republican candidate (assuming that we returned to a world where that could actually be a thing) who I might disagree with but who wouldn't be a clear and present danger to the republic, I would have to say, I would be hard-pressed not to sit out and wash my hands of the Democratic party.
I'm sorry? So we're now calling African-Americans racists because of the language they use about their own group?
Herschel Walker may be a terrible human being in all sorts of ways, but calling him a "racist" is basically an admission that "racist is the word I use for people I don't like".
And identitarians wonder why the rest of us no longer give a fsck when we're accused by them of being "racist".
Walker's showing was actually tremendous, demonstrating that conservatives truly do not care.
Like +10. (sadly) On the other hand, I'm a yellow dog Dem myself, so perhaps I shouldn't point my finger (paw?) at the Rs.