In preparation for my leukopheresis in a couple of weeks, I had to go in on Monday and get about 30 blood tests done. It turns out I don't have syphilis! Or Hep C! Hooray!
More seriously, one of the 30 was the good old M-protein test. I've been off chemo for a month now, so I was curious to see how much my levels had increased:
How about that? We stopped the chemo and my levels went down. Not enough to matter, but I'm still surprised they didn't go up. In any case, it's good news.
Good news! Cheers!
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Congratulations Kevin. Mighty fine numbers.
From time to time, we read of some celebrity who "bravely reveals their affliction (usually some form of cancer)." I suppose it's "brave," in the sense that it opens them up to incessant questioning, mostly from celebrity watchers they don't even know.
And then we have Kevin. Month after month, year after year, he tells us in detail what he's got, what he's doing about it, how well that's working, what might be available to try next, what's the short-term prognosis and what's the long-term prognosis. We get real information, and real insights. And for those of us who now face similar challenges, or will face them at some unknown time in the future, or who have family or friends with medical challenges, I think it's extraordinarily valuable. Not to learn the details of specific treatments for a specific medical challenge; rather, to learn how to go about facing it.
I don't think it's "bravery;" I just think it's downright amazing. Thank you, Kevin.
Life is amazing.
Looking forward to continued good news, & then the very best.
I hope this means the cancer is well controlled before your CAR-T treatment. Hopefully, a lower tumor burden makes the treatment more effective.
They got wind of what is coming and are trying to hide.
Keep on Truckin' KrazyK.. I start my day with your musings and by doing so I'm able to seem more intelligent and informed on many issues. Seriously we NEED you to keep on keepin' on 🙂