Today was potentially a milestone: my last chemotherapy session ever. I've now finished the three days of chemo prep required for the CAR-T procedure, which is followed by a rest day on Sunday and then a few final tests on Monday. Assuming everything checks out, Tuesday is Day 0, when the CAR-T starts. If it works—which we won't know for several months—I will be close enough to cured that I'll be free of chemo treatments for at least the next few years.
31 thoughts on “Health update”
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Best wishes for a safe and effective treatment, Kevin.
Google paid 99 dollars an hour on the internet. Everything I did was basic Οnline w0rk from comfort at hΟme for 5-7 hours per day that I g0t from this office I f0und over the web and they paid me 100 dollars each hour. For more details
visit this article...
Good luck.
Fingers crossed.
Eyes crossed
Ears crossed
Toes crossed
Other appendages crossed.
Oh boy, hang on, here we go!!
Best wishes
Good luck.
Best of luck Kevin. We're all pulling for you.
Good luck!
You are and will be in my thoughts.
Good luck
It's just wondrous that those words can even be strung together - I hope it goes well and the magic of our time keeps happening for you and yours!
Good luck, Calpundit.
ut habeas victoriam
If you're feeling anxious remember,
A Song About Bananas,
Pachelbel's Canon played by trains,
Great news and good luck!
Good luck!
Very happy and hopeful for you, Kevin.
???? ???? Drink lotsa water!
I hope you feel well over the next few days, and rest deeply.
Fingers crossed hoping it really is the last chemo treatment!
Hope those doctors know what they're doin'! ????
Yahoo!!! All paired body parts crossed for you Kevin. This is the start of your new life. Be well.
KD, since you say you're on GPT-4, join the OpenAI discord server and look through the discussions in the prompt-library and the prompt-engineering channels. In particular, keep an eye out for Quicksilver's projects. It seems like everything he does is spectacular and beyond what most people realize GPT-4 can do. This one is particularly striking.
Is Star Trek's computer just an advanced LLM at its heart?
Fingers crossed -- good luck!
May it be so....
Looking forward to better & better news with each update that you share with us.
Good luck!
Good luck!! The cat gods should be on your side.
Google paid 99 dollars an hour on the internet. Everything I did was basic Οnline w0rk from comfort at hΟme for 5-7 hours per day that I g0t from this office I f0und over the web and they paid me 100 dollars each hour. For more details
visit this article...
Not certain it is the earliest reference to CAR-T Kevin had on, but it is close. So call it "the beginning of the end" of Kevin's multiple myeloma:
Best of luck with your treatment, Kevin!
Seems to me you’ve met or exceeded expectations all the way.
I expect it will continue.
Best to you.
Best wishes, KD!