I might as well get this over with. Until a couple of weeks ago I was responding beautifully to the CAR-T treatment, with my cancer load dropping smoothly toward zero. Then it all stopped, with my M-protein level stalled at 0.34:
This is a "partial response," and for all practical purposes it means the treatment didn't work. There's a good chance it will keep me chemo-free for a few months or a year, but that's about it.
This hit me out of the blue. I was convinced everything was going well and it barely even occurred to me that my latest result would be anything but zero. Needless to say, this is pretty depressing news.
Sad and shocking news, Kevin. I, too, was fully expecting remission. If I could offer more than wishes, I surely would, as your presence in the world has made it a better place for me.
Larry said it better than I could. (And others below.) Been reading you almost since the beginning (when Duncan B linked to Calpundit the first time).
I always felt that those who said you were too moderate or somesuch were overlooking your determination to be as optimistic in your online topics & evaluations as you needed to be for your own health & strength.
Here's hoping that you & Marian will not falter in searching for a lasting treatment, & that your steadfastness will bring you through for many more years of economic & political analysis, sharing of opinions, & of Friday cat blogging.
And while I probably shouldn't I say this, I'm glad that the guy who felt it necessary to be rude to you on his way out isn't around to be such a stinker merely because he happens not to agree with you- there are more here who know you from your history prior to MoJo & respect you for sharing your views with even strangers like me & those pitiless fake personas advertising on your blog free of charge.
May you, Marin, Hilbert, & Charlie gain strength to overcome difficulty & share many more years together.
I'm so sorry Kevin. I guess your body is running the show, not the doctors. Like many above, I am hopeful new treatments are just around the corner. I'm happy you have a couple of excellent therapy cats.
So sorry, man. Courage. Positive mental attitude, right? I know, easy for me to say.
Hang in there Kevin.
The numbers are just that: numbers. And they can change. You have a lot of folks -- definitely including me -- pulling for you and maintaining your courage and spirits is at least as important -- probably a good deal more so than any numbers. Never underestimate the will to live!
I read that about half of CAR-T patients with a partial response at 3 months eventually develop a full response in about a year after treatment, so there's still some hope for a full response in time.
Excellent - so all hope isn't lost for our Kevin!
Very sorry news. Can't offer more than thoughts and prayers to you and the family.
Big huggs.
Dammit that really sucks.
It’s okay to feel overwhelmed or upset. Your emotions are valid and deserve to be heard and acknowledged. I can’t fully understand what you’re going through, but I want you to know that I, and many other loyal readers, care about you. Remember that you’re not alone in this journey. I hope you have support groups, counselors, or organizations along with your wonderful family that can provide support, guidance and assistance.
I’m sad for you and your family. You all have persevered through a lot of up and downs and I’m confident you will continue to do so. Keep your chin up!
I’ve been reading you nearly every day since the Cal pundit days and you have significantly informed my thinking on hundreds of different topics. I’m truly grateful for what you do. Continue to live every day knowing that you’re having an impact and are appreciated. We are here for you even though we aren’t physically in your presence.
Sorry for the crappy news. Please know that I and lots of others are sending positive thoughts your way.
yeah, like above -- hugs --- and keep trying things. your blog is wonderful
FUCK... SHIT... FUCK. I'm very sorry to read this. Keep on Truckin', KD
I am so sorry to hear that.
Don't underestimate how many people in this world depend on you for thoughtful information. Don't hesitate to call on them for help if necessary.
Tough update to have to give. It must feel lousy. I hope for more better response in the near future, and a long time of good response.
I know it's hard to not give up. But don't give up. Stuff happens. Not everything goes as planned and the timeline expected. Your mental state impacts everything.
Hugs and find ways to stay positive.
We continue to join our prayers with yours and those here during your very difficult journey and for Christ's complete healing. Thanking the Lord for your beautiful talents and wonderful encouragement.