I have some excellent and unexpected news. It's been six weeks since I started the Tecvayli treatment and last night I got back my first M-protein result. The result was......
. . . no result. Happily, since I've been through this before, I know what that means: My M-protein level is below the detection threshold of 0.1. However, my immunofixation result is still abnormal, which means I'm above 0.05. Call it 0.07.
I have a visit with my doctor in another week, and maybe I'll learn more. But for now, this is great news. I had no idea the Tecvayli acted so quickly. Now let's see how long it lasts.
Good to hear; best wishes for continued improvement!
Excellent news! Best wishes that your numbers stay low for a good long while.
Great, Kevin. Hang in there. We all need you.
Glad to hear this, KD!
In a sea of bad news these past days, it's good to see some excellent news!
excellent! hang in there!
Wonderful news. Has your sense of taste come back? That must have been very difficult.
This is fabulous (and comforting) news.
Wow! What an awesome surprise. Keep up the good work Kevin.
Awesome news!
Good news.
and your taste buds are still doing OK?
Double Plus Good!!!
Such good news is especially welcome now!
A wonderful piece of news.
Great news all the way around. Really happy for you.
Excellent! Glad to hear you're doing well.
Good news in a sea black with bad. We all need your observations.
Best news this week.
Thanks for the great news, Kevin!
Wow! Excellent.