I'm more interested in immunoglobulins than most people because they happen to be the thing that's cancerous when you have multiple myeloma. There are different types of immunoglobulins, and my particular version of multiple myeloma affects the G type.¹ Every month I get test results showing me my immunoglobulin levels:
As it happens, the G type is associated with resistance to upper respiratory infections, and it turns out this is key to the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines. They boost the G immunoglobulins but do nothing about the A immunoglobulins, which are associated with mucous and saliva.
This is why even if you get COVID-19, it will likely be a mild case if you're vaccinated. The virus will attack the mucous in your nose, making you feel a little bit woozy, but when it travels northward and attacks your upper respiratory tract, the G immunoglobulins are all primed to wipe it out. After a few days it goes away.
I thought this was interesting since I had never really understood why the vaccine makes COVID-19 so mild even if you get it. But now I know, and so do you.
¹Technically, my version of multiple myeloma is IgG light kappa.
Some really thorough discussions about this and other virology and immunity subjects can be found at the following site (best place to start are clinical updates with Dr. Daniel Griffin and TWIV aka This Week In Virology), and mucosal vaccines still a possibility for COVID.
Otherwise, well said, current vaccines are primarily for preventing severe disease and death, not infection.
thanks for the limk
or link
Also noted:
1. monoclonal treatment can be done via injection and upon exposure for vulnerable people, i.e. as a prophylactic.
2. remdesiver may not be that helpful after all.
3. masks still work.
Vaccines are only as good as the protection they provide
WE are finding out that our initial rosy reaction to vaccines may have been misplaced
Vaccines are still working fantastic for what they were designed and tested for...preventing severe disease and death. Vaccines in general with one exception are not designed to prevent infection.
In the 6 month all cause mortality data from Pfizer on their Covid injection the vaccine group had 7% higher death rates. This is in the supplementary appendix table S4 page 12. The absolute benefit of the vaccine according to the drug seller is it prevents less than 4 out of every 100 people injected from catching Covid. If we included the first 6 weeks of data where the vaccine group had higher rates of Covid that number falls to 3 out of 100. We could also theorize on what would happen if Pzifer had tested everyone who had infectious symptoms for Covid. As it turns out the majority of people with infectious symptoms were not tested These people were almost equal in each test group.
In the real world increased mortality rates are correlated with more Covid vaccinations. Overall nations with higher Covid vaccination rates have higher mortality and the start of Covid vaccination increases mortality. Mongolia now has 40% higher mortality rates than before they did mass Covid vaccination. In the UK mortality was decreasing and after Covid vaccination began in shot up from 11% to over 40% and is now higher than before mass vaccination.
This actually isn't very surprising given that the reason there have been no human Coronavirus or mRNA vaccines before is because when they went through standard procedure they results in increased mortality in animal studies and never went to market.
10% of people who get Covid vaccinations have damage to their lymph system according to a study out of the Mayo clinic.
Here is what Dr. Kobi Haviv, the medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem reports "85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people."
Mostly misinformation there, and those 10% were cancer patients. Otherwise, vaccines have been outstanding at preventing severe disease and death.
"Mostly misinformation there"
This is an ad hominem logical fallacy. Though if you want to claim that the data from the drug seller, the animal studies, the Mayo clinic, a medical director of a hospital, and the mortality rate from hundreds of countries around the world is "misinformation" go for it. Trump does something similar when he yells "fake news"
"and those 10% were cancer patients"
The placebo group had double the deaths caused by any cancer. Excluding the cancer deaths means the vaccine increases mortality rates by 16% instead of 7%.
However since I abide by science I will stick with the 7% figure instead of utilizing a cherry picking logical fallacy.
OK, I have to push back at this meme of
"Vaccines were only intended to prevent death and hospitalization, not infection ". And " vaccines are not designed to prevent infection " and " the vaccines are working great at stopping sickness and death even if they do not work at stopping infection ".
This is all not true.
Vaccines are definitely meant to stop infection and spread. That is what the entire concept of herd immunity is based on. If they were only intended and had the effect of stopping the person who took the vaccine from getting sick and dying, then they would do absolutely nothing to stop it being spread to others.
Was fauci and all the "experts " just lying to us about that and the vaccines helping us to herd immunity? Does it now mean that any of you who have criticized those who did not get vaccinated and as hurting the community have absolutely zero basis for that? Note that, if all vaccines do is to prevent sickness and death in the taker, the unvaccinated only hurt themselves and there is absolutely no basis in trying to force them to be vaccinated if they do not want.
The truth is that the vaccines were always intended to prevent infection and spread as well as sickness and death. Now, yes, maybe it now looks like they were not as effective in preventing infection and spread as we hoped, but they are still effective. It looks to me that they still reduce infection rate by maybe 4 times ( average as it changes as immunity wanes).
And that certainly does help. Now I sure wish it was better because reducing spread by a factor of 4 times with R0 of 5 still leaves as R of over 1.0, so we might need more natural immunity ( I.e. vaccinations alone not enough).
But STOP saying this falsehood that the vaccine does nothing to stop infections.
It is a stupid concept that seemed to start with that Provincetown study as a way for some masking enthusiasts to justify masking for the vaccinated. But it has significantly hurt the effort to get the unvaccinated to get the vaccine. Just yesterday talking to someone unvaccinated I got " why should anyone else care as now we know the vaccine only helps to stop me from getting sick- even the liberals who push vaccines say so" . And actually this is from someone who was generally liberal before this - she is now moving away from the left over the covid issue as she is against restrictions and the vaccine. Hated trump and a big Obama fan buy voting now to recall Newsom. And no, I cannot convince her to get vaccinated largely because of this stupid meme.
Lol, "the left". She is probably "the left" more than the liberals she is mumbling about
Sort of anecdotal, but even "mild" cases reportedly can involve a level of misery that goes far beyond woozy.
Not really anecdotal.
If you get sick with COVID your employer was without your services for 10 days, along with anyone else who was near you until they test negative
People misunderstand what this means to a company
We have been for years operating under the guise of efficiency efficiency efficiency.
Take one cog out of the wheel and production slows to a crawl
Take 3 cogs out and production stops. THAT'S why even mild COVID is so devastating and why even the conservative press and governors are not saying anything to businesses about their own COVID restrictions
Mild covid is no more sick than a regular cold. Not enough people unvaccinated get that sick. It is just enough in high transmission areas to create overflows. If it didn't, nobody would care.
58% beakthrough rates in Israel Spades - with an 80% vaccination rate.
The problem is if you are tested and are positive you might not have bad symptoms but then the people around you get quarantined as well until they test negative
The Israeli data is bunk. They don't even know what is up or down.
Is mild COVID just an annoyance
You just returned from Italy
Imagine if it cost you and ADDITIONAL $2000 dollars?
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced more coronavirus restrictions on Friday, including mandatory quarantines.
In addition to the pre-boarding COVID-19 test that Canada already requires, travelers arriving in the country will now be required to take a polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, test at the airport. They then will be required to quarantine, at their own expense, in a hotel room for up to three days while they await the test results.
Trudeau estimates that the total cost to travelers will be more than $2,000. The price tag includes the test, security, food and cost to hotels to keep their employees safe. While people are already required to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival, Trudeau hopes requiring them to stay at a hotel at their own cost will discourage vacations.
I know you have money Kevin but would have gone to Italy under that circumstance??????
Errrr ok. Your point is moot.
You're describing antibodies at the granular level; you already inherently understood that a boost of antibodies -- via vaccine or prior infection -- that recognize the virus' Spike allows it to attack the virus.
What makes it mild is actually the T/B-cell memory; they're the ones that kick into gear after the fact, spurring production of antibodies.
Spot on.
The memory cells are what protect you long-term, as intended.
Coincidence, --or conspiracy??
Either the Deep State is using germ warfare against freedom loving Americans or wingnuts are using germ warfare against themselves like suicide bombers.
Nothin' but a G thang, bay-bee... two lokk'd out Chinee goin' cray-zee...
(In which Snoop Dogg proves the intentional bioweaponized lableak theory.)