Here is Joe Biden's approval level compared to the three most recent presidents:¹
Biden looks pretty average for this point in time. Of course, all three of these other presidents got whomped in their first midterm election, so Democrats might not consider this a huge morale booster. On the other hand, Biden's recent triumphs seem to be helping him: he's gone from 38% approval in July to 44% in August. Can he leverage Dark Brandon and semi-fascism into a 50% approval rating in September?
¹I excluded George Bush from this list because his approval rating at this point in his presidency was still artificially sky high thanks to 9/11.
This measures opinions. There are no "artificial" highs.
You don't think "rallying around the person in the White House" in times of war isn't a factor?
Good thing for Biden, then, that the US intelligence community is about to see a reprise of the circumstances of George W. Bush's first term.
08/06/2001: Presidential Daily Briefing -- "Bin Laden Poised to Strike US".
08/29/2022: Presidential Daily Briefing -- "Trump poised to strike US".
It's just too bad Proud Boi 1st Among Squeakuals Gavin Mac Innes got arrested during his most recent Podcast. He was going to achieve his destiny as the Canuck Mohammad Atta. But the Woke Mob took that all away.
I'm picking an argument with the word, not the effect.
Most Republicans are in lock-step for or against the president depending on party affiliation. Democrats--not so much.
Polls are interesting--was looking at "direction of the country"....
Biden is doing good things--but then there's the republicans in the states and the Supreme how to answer the question???
Biden's uptick is because with abortion becoming illegal conservative women have stopped blindly toeing the party line and have begun giving pollsters their actual opinion, and, also, Trump stealing every secret document he could stuff in his pants just makes him look like a rapist.
GQP voting seem to be growing weary of the party's social policy stances. But at Sydney Sweeney's Spokane Hoedown for her mother's 60th birthday, they aren't so sure.
Biden embracing the conservative memes has worked successfully to subvert and throw their own rhetoric back into their faces, as they equally fume at and longingly gaze at what an effective, outspoken leader can accomplish.
I've always preferred this jib-jab version of Biden, not the version his people want him to project.
Biden as Eminem at the climax of 8 Mile.
The rival in that movie was even a trustfund kid who attended the same prep school as Willard Rmoney.
The "Dark Brandon" thing was a huge messaging success. Not just for flipping one of their favorite tactics, but also appropriating the imagery of a particularly ugly little fascist subcult.
(D)s are usually pretty lousy at playing these games; I strongly approve.
Remember, though, algore invented the Internet. It's in our neoliberal blood.
No trend line?!?
"Biden's recent triumphs seem to be helping him: he's gone from 38% approval in July to 44% in August.
That's the time to be below 40 percent in your polling. If your at 38 percent in July of your fourth year in office (ala Jimmy Carter, Trump or Bush I) you're in real trouble.
I think a lot of this is Democrats coming home after the passage of the IRA and also the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court. To get to 50 or beyond he'll need to start dragging in independents. Continued gas and inflation declines will help with that.
Incorrect. Breaking down the increases, it's not from the coasts, just the opposite.