Vox reports today on our crisis of pharmaceutical shortages:
According to a 2022 report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, “on average, the number of ongoing drug shortages has been increasing and are lasting longer.” The root cause of that problem, per a report from the Food and Drug Administration, is the economics of the pharmaceutical market itself.
No, that's not what the report says. The NASEM report says that a 2018 FDA report says that. Specifically, the FDA report says that "the number of ongoing drug shortages has recently been increasing after declining from a peak in 2011, and drug shortages have been lasting longer."
And that's true according to information from the University of Utah Drug Information Service:
But wait. This only goes through 2018 because that's when the FDA report was written. What does it look like now?
It turns out that 2018 was a fluke. As of 2022, new drug shortages are at their lowest point in 15 years.
Why do I care? After all, the NASEM report is mostly about how to improve our pharmaceutical supply chains, and that's a good idea regardless of the precise number of drugs that happen to be in short supply. I care because I'm weary of outrage journalism. The Vox piece is hardly up there with Fox News, but it does insist on painting a dire picture of drug shortages that's entirely belied by the facts.
And what's the point? To scare people? To provide a hook for the piece? Or is it just a lazy repetition of something that "everyone knows"? Whatever it is, just knock it off.
I don't think it's some nefarious attempt to garner clicks or scare people per se. Looks more to me like plain ol' sloppy journalism. Science/tech (or finance) reporting is not easy and I don't know who the author (Dylan Scott) is or if he's a veteran reporter or a newbie, but it seems he just either didn't read, or read poorly, the NASEM report.
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Because Vox is in the business of confirming the belief of a certain group of people they are informed.
I'm disappointed. The chart is a facile rebuttal. It does nothing to address the duration of shortages. It does not discriminate by the number of users of each medication. It does not consider whether there are available substitutes for the drugs that are not available.
You may be pointing out a correction that is needed by Vox, but you misrepresented what the NASEM report is for.
The NASEM report is specifically tasked with, assessing and evaluating the effect of U.S. dependence on critical drugs and devices sourced or manufactured outside of the United States."
Furthermore, dince the ASHP does not break out critical drugs nor does it include critical medical devices, you have no way of determining whether or not there's a growing shortage of critical drugs and medical devices.
Thanks for the additional information. Seems that it's hard not to push a point of view. Kevin said he wasn't , then went ahead and did so.
I can't be alone in thinking it would be interesting to hear a dialogue between KD and the Vox author to see if they could put an addendum on the article.
The Vox piece is hardly up there with Fox News, but it does insist on painting a dire picture of drug shortages that's entirely belied by the facts.
Have they gone down hill since Ezra Klein left, or is it just my imagination? (Or maybe they were always fairly sub-par?)
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