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I am officially urgent

And that's a good thing! My doctor tells me that I've been upgraded from non-urgent to urgent on the waiting list for my eagerly anticipated CAR-T treatment. I still don't have a date, but presumably this means I'm inching my way to the top of the list.

(This change has nothing to do with the severity of my cancer, which has been steady for many months. Though I will say that the latest chemo regimen I'm on sure does pile on the fatigue. I think I sleep about 80 hours a week these days.)

21 thoughts on “I am officially urgent

  1. mikah257

    Thanks, science! Your incredible stories on lead make you one of my heroes. Stick around, and we might get to see a peaceful world that is bent of healing the planet.

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      I hope Kev D survives long enough to serve as a citizen panelist on Pres. De Santis's Blue Ribbon Commission on Kancel Kulture.

  2. cld

    Probably because you keep gallivanting all over the Earth in the midst of a pandemic.

    If you go to India and play polo with elephants for a few weeks, or maybe hunt tigers with Don, jr, you'll probably go right to the top.

    1. MontyTheClipArtMongoose

      Kevin Drum: the West Coast Ben Wittes, the Tech World-adjacent Peter King, the Boomer Drew Magary.

      Who are... four White men who posit themselves progressive thinkers but in the end its windowdressing on traditionalism?

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