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I don’t care what Elon Musk’s mother thinks about anything

Lara Trump is stepping down from her position as RNC chair, apparently in hopes that Ron DeSantis will choose her to fill the Senate seat being vacated by Marco Rubio. The Associated Press comments:

The idea of placing a Trump family member in the Senate has been lauded in some Republican circles. Among the people pushing for her to replace Rubio is Maye Musk, mother of Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk.

For fucks sake. There's no real reason we should even care what Elon Musk thinks about this, but Elon's mother? Have we gone completely crackers?

54 thoughts on “I don’t care what Elon Musk’s mother thinks about anything

  1. MF

    Trump could do worse than Maye Musk add an informal advisor.

    She is clearly smart. She has parlayed her relationship with Elon into a lucrative career as a model and influencer at an age when most people have already retired.

    I think she is a better advisor for Trump than Jill Biden has been for Joe Biden.

            1. Jasper_in_Boston

              People have been begging Kevin to block trolls for years. He doesn't care. I sympathize given that it's trivially easy to come back with a different handle, which sets up a game of whack-a-mole.

        1. Five Parrots in a Shoe

          Why is Maye Musk a clown? Because she wrote a book about growing up in South Africa in the 1970's which never once mentions apartheid.

          In case you were wondering why Elmo became a white supremacist.

    1. aldoushickman

      "She is clearly smart. She has parlayed her relationship with Elon into a lucrative career as a model and influencer . . . "

      Yes, yes. It's always astonishing how the close relatives of the hyperwealthy plutarch class are able to "parlay" their way into useless gadfly careers. How oh how did Maye overcome such adversity? She must be some kind of genius--maybe even almost as smart as the average model who isn't related to a multibillionaire!

      That's exactly the kind of person we should sit up and take notice of, when they opine out of their ass about appointing senators.

    2. d34df4n

      Is this satire? If not, you should probably seek help. Arguing that the mother of a South African billionaire ought to be giving advice on the function of the US federal government is utterly bonkers. What could possibly make you think that's a good idea?!

    3. RZM

      You mean the Maye Musk who suggested that Trump voters should vote multiple times using false names ? Oh right, she was being sarcastic. But like Trump and apparently like her father and probably her son maybe she doesn't believe in democracy. In your world apparently that makes her advice "smart".

      1. KawSunflower

        Well, she knows just how smart her Elon is - he violated US immigration law (just as Ivana & Melania did), got away with that, broke pandemic & employment laws in one or two states, brushed off concerns some of his engineers expressed, may have tried to play politics in the middle of a war, brushes off reports of problems with Tesla products despite accidents & recalls...yes, indeed, ALL of the Musks are superior specimens & we should consider their meddling in our government to be a blessing conferred by our superiors. Right?

    4. Crissa

      Ahh, yes, dissing Dr Biden.

      Why would we care what MF, who supports, murderers, rapists, and bigots thinks about this, anyhow?

    1. Josef

      Being house trained is a talent Lara Trump has that the horse doesn't. Or at least I hope she has. It seems to be the only thing that separates them.

  2. oldfatpants

    Yes. This country elected the dottard. Fox can only cover for him so much. He's a clown. Either they can't see it or they don't care. Doesn't really matter. We are now governed by cretins with the consent of morons

  3. Jasper_in_Boston

    Have we gone completely crackers?

    No, we (US society in its entirety) haven't gone completely off the deep end (sorry, but "crackers" sounds too whimsical).

    But the Republican Party most assuredly has gone off the deep end.

    Sane, sober political parties are a critical guard rail in any democracy. One of ours is utterly insane, and completely drunk with conspiracy theories, nihilism, paranoia, corruption, hatred of expertise, and yes, nepotism.

  4. Justin

    It’s no longer possible to take any of this seriously. The government may continue to function at some level of competence (American bureaucracy is pretty good!) and so people will say its all ok. The noise generated by the political class will make news and draw your attention, but it’s really not that important.

    The worst thing trump might do is the deportation scheme and it’s not really clear yet to what extent they can pull it off. Ignore the bullshit noise and focus on the results. Rubio’s replacement was always going to be some crank.

    I’m personally ambivalent about this now. The grift is on and no one can stop it. I want a tax cut. Why would I want to shovel money at them? I want massive spending cuts. I want a government shutdown. Why would I want it to function?

    1. kkseattle

      That’s really the right view now. Like every Republican President since Hoover, there will be a recession under Trump. Billionaires will make bank, the poor will be further immiserated, the middle class will be further gutted, the planet will burn more, and the morons who voted for Trump (other than Musk and RFK Jr.) will get screwed.

      This nation preserved slavery and segregation, employed vicious bigotry toward virtually anyone who wasn’t a straight white male “Christian,” and voted twice for Nixon, Reagan, W. Bush, and Trump.

      It’s not a “City on a Hill,” it’s a violent, repressive Roman-like empire. Are we better than Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and butchers like Idi Amin, the Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, the Assads, and Leopold? Sure. But we ain’t a “City on a Hill.”

      Take your tax cut, buy some solar panels and an EV, donate to your local shelters and food banks, and hope that four years from now we can do better.

      1. Justin

        Take your tax cut, buy some solar panels and an EV, donate to your local shelters and food banks, and hope that four years from now we can do better.

        I agree!

      2. ConradsGhost

        That's one of the better thumbnails of the OooEssAyy I've seen. And until some kind of overwhelming force wreaks repeated catastrophe and destruction on our great society, and until we rewrite our fatally flawed Constitution, the ever more extreme swings of the pendulum to the right ain't gonna stop. Almost every other major industrialized Western society has had to reconstruct from its worst instincts and iteration; now it's our turn to see if we can join a civilization with a future, which means sweeping structural change of pretty much everything we take for granted as just how things are. It's clear this cannot be accomplished through the ways and means to which we have become accustomed, especially when those ways and means are being malevolently exploited and rendered obsolete and impotent by committed destructive forces.

        We are, as you point out, a culture and society founded on and shot through with darkness, structurally founded and realized on what some would call sin. Until we deal with this - in the sense of recreating ourselves with informed intention - the patterns will only get worse. There's no easy way out.

      3. MrPug

        "...and the morons who voted for Trump (other than Musk and RFK Jr.) will get screwed."

        And those morons will blame everyone but Trump, RFK Jr. Musk, etc.

  5. zic

    It's not that we should care what Mrs. Musk thinks, it's that she has access to Trump's ears, and Trump's shown to be prone to adopting what the voices around him promote, so long as they kiss up to him enough.

      1. aldoushickman

        "Why can't she convince him to promote a healthy diet"

        No no no, people with Trump's ears should be constantly telling him he should eat whatever he wants, the stress of presidenting is wearing him away--time for more butter, and cookies, and salted snacks. Also, that maybe Trump should take up smoking, to make himself look cooler.

    1. Salamander

      Is this going to be the "Mommy malAdministration"? Cabinet picks running to Mommy to fight their fights for them? This is what they call "manly"?

  6. J. Frank Parnell

    Americans decided they wanted the clown party to rule, so that is what we are getting, good and hard. Better get used to shining round red clown noses and giant long clown shoes for the next 4 years.

    1. Salamander

      Laugh all you want, but I'm thinking it will be more along the lines of "Killer Klowns from Outer Space." If you know what I mean...

  7. Josef

    It makes a sense when you consider the fact that his presidency will be similiar to if not an outright reality show. She's comparable to a Kardashian clone.

  8. name99

    Who is "we", white man?

    It's your CHOICE to read this media every day. (And to justify many of it's most egregious stupidities.)
    Plenty of us do not do so, and our lives go on just fine.

    1. Josef

      "Who is "we", white man?" Are you pretending to be non white now?
      "(And to justify many of it's most egregious stupidities.)" I think most of your egregious stupidities, which is 99% of your posts, are mocked not justified. You're an odd one.

  9. Narsham

    "Have we gone completely crackers?"

    We? Do you have an AP reporter in your pocket, Kevin?

    And yes, much of the press has gone crackers, though there are obvious individual and even some organizational exceptions. On an institutional level, it feels as if reporters generally are under instructions not to do investigative reporting unless they have specifically been assigned to do so, meaning a few longer-term stories get published with investigative time and money behind them, but these sorts of disposable stories go out with whatever the reporter saw on X yesterday, because story volume is more significant than story quality.

    The issue here is sentence one ("lauded in some Republican circles") requires the answer to the question "where" and the answer is apparently "on the X threads I'm reading now." If you don't use that answer, you have to come up with a name.

    Or this is the kind of incestuous insider gossip-mongering or influence-peddling where Mama Musk wanted to exert political pressure and called up the reporter to cause this story to be written.

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