It is January 26 and the Border Patrol finally released its official apprehension figures for December. This is the latest it's ever been. Is it a traditional Friday night news dump for bad news?
Maybe! Because it was definitely bad news. As expected, CBP reported a whopping total of 302,000 encounters on the southern border:
As usual, about 50,000 of these were asylum seekers who made appointments via the mobile phone app, while the rest were apprehended trying to cross the border illegally.
1. The GOP will not make a deal on immigration
2. Biden's polling is not that strong, and weak on immigration
3. Trump has little to talk about, with immigration being a rare topic, that seems to have national appeal.
Therefore, I would suggest, tomorrow, Biden use significant executive authority to try and have a near term impact. Further, use the state of the union to talk about his immigration plan.
Note, I know there are real limits to what can be achieved via executive authority: rather, the choice is between the status quo and whatever impact Biden can have, from executive authority.
How is the guy who's advocated for more immigration courts and work visas 'weak' on immigration?
It's clearly just racism. Why can't media say that?
While cultural Leftist name calling of the broad popular reaction to migration - seen in Europe as well as the Americans - is without doubt self-satisfactory, it is not particularly effective outside of your closed loop.
The "media" just calling such concerns racism will be about as effective as your other efforts at hectoring and name calling in votes terms, convincing the pre-convinced of their own moral superiourity in some masturbatory posturing but not responsive nor effective beyond that.
RE "How is the guy who's advocated for more immigration courts and work visas 'weak' on immigration?" - it is weak if the voting population perceives this as ineffectual and ineffective (of which work visas clearly do not fall in "tough"/ "strong" but rather the opposite.
I am making 285 Dollars each hour for working online. I never thought bx03 that it was legit but my best friend earns 29,000 dollars every month doing this and br30 she showed me how.
Check It.........................
from that article,
Headlines never get to that part.
What I keep saying. Record numbers of encounters imply record high levels of enforcement effort. Biden is doing more to secure the border than any president before him.
I mean, no kidding. So what if encounters are like a million a month?
The ridiculous assumption that some vast majority of border encounters are driven by who is President continues to grate upon me. Never a mention of the disaster in Central America, or, for that matter, the fact that other countries, like say Cuba (I'm looking at you, Cruz!) are now re routed through Mexico.
A million encounters a month would imply that an AWFUL lot of people are trying to cross the border illegally and that there are an AWFUL lot of Border Patrollers out there stopping them; in other words, record high enforcement effort.
Tell us the number of immigrants coming across the border or tell us you don’t know.
The KD headline echoes Marsha Blackburn’s ‘Look at all these fentanyl seizures at the border. When is Joe Biden going to protect the country?’
"number of immigrants coming across the border" tells you nothing. What you need to know is whether the percentages are increasing or decreasing. For your information, the number of illegal immigrants who are deported vs the total are increasing under Biden. In spite of the Texas need for labor (some 5 million).
Why? You tell me.
The chart is about 'encounters', the article defines encounters as taken into custody and says most of those were sent back where they came from. The increase reflects the increase in government interdiction of the illegal crossings exactly what immigration hawks claim they want to see but which is never generally reported as exactly what is actually happening.
Agreed that they don't but for Republicans that's not the point. The point is there were 300,000 encounters. To that's the question. What they want is a border policy which discourages such "encounters". That's why to fetishize having a wall, because they think that someone it will discourage people from coming the border.
I've got news for them. It' won't. If people are willing to walk thousands of miles, cross dangerous jungles and deserts, be willing to pay parasites who traffic on their misery in body and money, all to just make it to the border, then no wall will stop them either. People know the game. You get across undetected and you win. It's that simple. There's plenty of family members, sanctuary cities and employers willing to look the other way to take care of them once they make it. You build a wall people will tunnel under it, figures ways to go over it, around it or through it. It doesn't matter. As Patton once said "fixed fortifications are a monument to man's stupidity. If men can go through "lines" and he's absolutely right. We are wired as humans to get around things. then no amount of steel plates is going to completely stop immigrants.
And why? Because the U.S. is rich and everywhere else in the Hemisphere is poor. That's why. People know, especially the young, there's opportunity here, even if they have to bust their ass washing dishes for a nickel a day. They don't have that in their home countries. Even if people weren't fleeing persecution or starvation or violence they would still come because they don't need connections or be a part of the elite or have to bribe the local gendarme to even eat. That's the attraction and it make risk worth it.
Take it from me who used to be a seal-the-border type, all this is is just performance art. They think if a wall is there, the optics sells the politics even if the policy is so stupid as to defy logic. They don't give a shit. They're just as willing to waste taxpayer money on what they think is important even if it doesn't work. And that's why we don't have immigration reform, because reform acknowledges that reality that the restrictionists refuse to accept.
Will have to track the ACS demographic/population data to indirectly determine the true size of undocumented immigrants within the US.
It would be nice if someone -- say Biden -- took on the topic head-on and explain how with more immigrants we're economically stronger as a nation, and the means to stopping illegal immigration is to boost the number of H-2A/H-2B work visas.
Yes. Biden and the Dems need to confront the misinformation and distortion on this issue head on. Trying to sidestep it doesn't work and too many people buy the Trumpian misinformation about "open borders." I would also like a more direct discussion of the fact that international law demands that people have a right to request asylum.
Speaking of headlines, shouldn't Kevin's headline on this post be "*Attempted* Illegal immigration skyrockets in December"?
Well I don't buy the label "illegal immigration." Many of these people are trying to exercise their right to claim asylum. The fact that they don't know the exact way to do this doesn't make them "illegal".
Well said, sir.
I've said it before, the governor of Texas has said that the state is short some 5 million laborers. What does it say that they are not embracing immigrants to solve their problem?
I think they would prefer American laborers that are not breaking the law by being here.
Complying with international law is "breaking the law"?
I've said it before, a co-worker owned some 100 acre ranch in Arizona. He left water and food for "immigrants", without a requirement whether they were legal or illegal. He carried a gun, not for the native critters but for those who came down from the north to pretend they were saving America, overturning the food and water. I don't think the gun was necessary, but he did say that he had a special relationship with the sheriff who backed him up.
If such laborers were available and in said numbers there would not be an immigration "issue" at all.
Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
Profound. Try applying such insights to someone like Donald Trump not some poor soul trying to escape drug cartels.
Exactly! I don't think Atticus is being serious.
This is a bad idea. It’s not going to end well for any of us.
What is the "bad idea"?
Illegal immigration