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Inflation is now about the same as it was under Trump

Not that it matters to anyone, but here's a way to look at today's inflation report:

Inflation right now is within a hair of Donald Trump's average before the pandemic. The pandemic created the surge and the pandemic ended it. It's over. Everyone can relax.

10 thoughts on “Inflation is now about the same as it was under Trump

  1. JRF

    Relax for now, you mean. The Trump tariffs, if somehow he makes them stick for a couple years, will make the pandemic inflation spike look like the new normal.

    1. OldFlyer

      All he has to do is unemployment about 15 million people. Which I suspect many Americans are ok with, so long as THEY aren't unemployed

  2. D_Ohrk_E1

    People: Why can't we have DEFLATION?!?!

    Economists: You wouldn't want deflation.


  3. jte21

    The average consumer doesn't give a shit about inflation. They care about price level. And vibes. Does it *feel* like stuff's a lot more expensive than it was four years ago? Sure. Somehow electing a raving orange-tinted lunatic to blow everything up will fix it, tho, because reasons. And Biden's old. Even though he's not running.

    From this we derive the classic economics equation: Price Vibes (BFI*)/Biden's Age = Everything's Cool Again.

    * where BFI is "Batshit Fascist Insanity"

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