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Joe Biden has arthritis

"Check out this video of Biden at the border," says Rich Lowry, so I did. It's 25 seconds long and there's no sound, just Biden walking along stiffly thanks to his arthritis. So what's the big problem?

Answer: "Most people are simply not going to feel comfortable with a president who walks this way," says Lowry.

So this is where we are? Not even the usual pretense of Biden being senile, just a flat complaint that he has too much arthritis to be president? Jesus.

I'll note yet again that Biden met a couple of days ago with the "Big Four" congressional leadership, and no one—neither Democrats nor Republicans—even hinted at any problems with Biden. That includes Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who spoke with Biden privately for a few minutes after the meeting ended.

But there's still that arthritis.

43 thoughts on “Joe Biden has arthritis

  1. Honeyboy Wilson

    I noticed Trump at the border today. He was wearing makeup and his hair was dyed. Nobody is going to vote for somebody for president who looks like a drag queen.

    1. jdubs

      When exactly did Dems say that a candidates appearance should disqualify them from the presidency?

      or are we just playing the dishonest false equivalency game?

    2. J. Frank Parnell

      Natural appearance (Obama ears, Biden’s arthritis) is one thing. The whole thing with Donald is his unnatural appearance.

  2. raoul

    Contract and compare: how many times did Trump meet with people outside the bubble (and often inside the bubble) and the reaction was “he is deranged” to put it charitably. It is a good thing Trump is slowly disintegrating in front of our eyes so the comparisons with Biden are not as noteworthy, who is also disintegrating in a different way (one physically the other physically and mentally).

    1. Dr Brando

      I was thinking the same thing. The number of people who were disturbed by their interactions with Trump as president is quite high.

  3. Dana Decker

    Does arthritis also explain Biden's less than snappy salute?
    I want Biden to win but don't kid yourself. Videos like that are political poison - and when you're explaining, you've already lost.
    Biden should have bowed out after the 2022 mid-terms but we are where we are and have to face the next nine months with grim determination.

    As for Kevin's argument that those who deal with Biden one-on-one have no problem with his performance, okay then, let's have Biden meet all 160 million voters that way.

    Last night (last night!) on the Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon showed a clip of Biden walking up steps to a airplane where he stumbled twice and then fell down.

    If Biden gets much worse and it affects the election he will be this year's Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Someone who's vanity prevented a timely exit, with disastrous consequences.

    1. Altoid

      Fallon? I knew there had to be a reason why I've always been put off by the guy, this gives me a lead on why. Would he run the same kind of clips of his old dad for a laugh? So can't we all guess who he made fun of when he was a kid.

      1. Jasper_in_Boston

        Fallon? I knew there had to be a reason why I've always been put off by the guy...

        I've never been a fan, either.

    2. Jasper_in_Boston

      There's not a shred of evidence any other Democrat polls as well against Trump as Biden does. It's pretty likely Kamala Harris (to cite one example....and yes, she'd likely possess a strong advantage in a competitive primary) would be behind in the polls worse than Biden is right now.

      I still like Joe's chances, based on the likely trajectory of national conditions and the probability that, as we move deeper into the general election season, the increased scrutiny on Trump will hurt TFG's numbers.

    3. realrobmac

      I don't get this about the clip of Biden falling on the stairs. He's trotting up the steps to an airplane and stumbles several times. I'm 30 years younger than Biden and I would never trot up stairs like that. I'd walk carefully holding on the hand rail. And if I feel once like he did I'd break my ankle or my hip.

    4. Salamander

      That clip of Biden on the AF1 stairs is old. Also, he's running up the stairs - let's see the Defendant run, even on flat ground. In addition, even after tripping multiple times, Biden GETS RIGHT UP and continues up the stairs. He doesn't lay there in a pool of whining "I've fallen and I can't get up!"

      Rather than being proof of Biden's "decrepitude", that clip shows a guy who's still got it.

    5. emjayay

      That's an old clip. Did he run the one of Ron Johnson bouncing his way down some airplane steps on his back? If you or I were videoed every second we were in public would there be some instance of similar screwing up? I know I've crashed to the ground on a stairway or even on apparently level ground a number of times and I trained in ballet for years.

    6. kenalovell

      I hope he showed the video of Tommy Tuberville falling down an airplane's steps, and the video of Taylor Swift falling over on stage, to maximise the hilarity.

    1. Jim Carey

      In addition to agreeing, I'll contribute the following, which relates the months leading up to FDR's death to the current situation.

      While watching it, imagine how you're going to change the mind of a 5th grader who watched the same video and came to the conclusion that it would be insane not to support President Biden. If you're successful, you got lucky. Most 5th graders aren't that naïve. That kind of naivety is something you learn while you're getting a Harvard Law Degree or MBA.

  4. Bardi

    "Most people are simply not going to feel comfortable with a president who walks this way," says Lowry.

    So, we should ignore someone like Gov. Abbott because he uses a wheelchair?

  5. Chip Daniels

    Imagine if we were fighting a world war on two fronts, and the Democratic president was a frail elderly man in a wheelchair.

  6. Joseph Harbin

    Can we please get rewrite:

    "Check out this video of Trump at the border," says not Rich Lowry but me. It's 19 seconds long and there's sound, oh yes, just Trump talking incoherently while men in uniform stand stiffly behind him. You'll can't help but hear the big problem.

    "Most people are simply not going to feel comfortable with a president who talks this way," says anybody not named Rich Lowry.

    Trump, verbatim (even while checking notes a couple of times):

    "Because everybody has pictures says how horrible it is. Nobody explain to me how allowing millions of people from places unknown, from countries unknown, who don't speak languages. We have languages coming into our country. We have nobody that even speaks those languages. They're truly foreign languages. Nobody speaks 'em."

  7. Vog46

    Im old and in the last 25 years I've had both knees replaced. I have arthritis in my hands and shoulders
    I WISH I could move like Joe Biden, and yes, Jill Biden is "a babe", I do pedal a stationary bike whereas Joe "rides the trails". I do wish the Dems had a deeper more youthful bench because I do not want to go through another death of a serving president. I support age limits and term limits for Congress. I am against age-ism but in this case - leading this nation - it is totally acceptable to me.
    I know how I feel and I would be afraid to lead this nation - it's way too complex a job. Its is not for the weak at heart

  8. Jerry O'Brien

    Does anyone remember how deeply impressed Lowry was with Sarah Palin in 2008? She winked at us guys! Her smile sent starbursts through the screen. Oh, man, she has it!

    So, how much do Rich Lowry's impressions count for? Did Sarah Palin become our Queen?

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