In the space of ten months, Joe Biden has:
- Passed a $1.9 trillion COVID assistance bill.
- Presided over a massive vaccination campaign that's been successful despite shameless partisan opposition.
- Withdrawn all US troops from Afghanistan with minimal American casualties.
- Passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.
- Gotten very close to passing a historic $2 trillion safety net bill.
Just sayin'.
All without being impeached. Not even once.
Pfft. What kind of a President can he be if he's never even been impeached? Next you're going to tell me his Administration isn't riddled with corruption and self-dealing. It's un-American, I tell you.
If I were a betting man, I’d wager that Biden will be impeached on a regular basis and might get removed depending on how much those two assholes in the senate want to ingratiate themselves with the new Republican bosses.
You think the GQP will get to 65 Senators in 2023?
I think 63 is a real possibility. Plus, the two assholes and the GOP would have just enough. Remember, it’s not a calculation of the number of votes won by GOP candidates but rather a calculation of the number of states or federal judicial circuits that are dominated by members of the Republican Party—they can simply declare the Republican the winner regardless of the number of people who actually voted for the Democratic candidate.
They’re almost certain to take a big house majority in 2022 just through gerrymandering and voter suppression alone. GOP takeover of any state where they control at least one branch of government also seems guaranteed. And the Democrats seem okay with this. My guess is that either this election cycle or the next, the Republicans are going to get Congress and the White House—by hook or by crook, but they’re going to be in the saddle very soon.
So they are picking up 16 seats?
If one simply counts the votes, no, the GOP won’t get anywhere’s near enough. But, in today’s world, it isn’t votes that count; it is control of state governments that can substitute the GOP’s judgments and choices for those of the voters which counts. And by my count, the Republicans have more than enough to take control of the Senate in 2022 and certainly by 2024 even if they do not receive more votes than the Democratic candidate in any election.
If I recall correctly, the Republicans have full control of 23 states and they control the legislative or judicial branch in at least 30 states. That potentially gives them 60 senators right there, even if they don’t legitimately pick up a single state. If between now and 2025 they legitimately defeat three Democratic senators in purple or reddish states (which is hardly impossible), that’s 63. Manchin and Sinema gives the GOP the magic number and Biden the heave-ho. All of which, as I say, seems okay with the non-progressive Democrats.
The GOP won't get rid of Biden even if they have the votes because it will mean Harris becomes President. Ideally, for them, they'd impeach Harris first.
My point is that if the GOP has the votes in the Senate there’s nothing stopping them from simply taking the White House and that’s what they are likely to do. You might be correct about the order in which they’d do it but the end result will be the same.
Considering there's only 14 DEM senators up for re-election in 23 I find that a stretch
And Burr's seat is open so they'd have to wind EVERYTHING.
But I get Mitch's point
Republicans have done a good job at winning local and state government positions. They, in effect will CONTROL elections in the future.
Even winning everything wouldn't do it. You need 67 Senators to remove a President. They literally cannot get that many in 2022.
Probably not by winning elections, no. But, to use a phrase I normally dislike, you’re overlooking the paradigm shift towards authoritarianism that taking place in this country. If you look at the development of other modern authoritarian countries, one hallmark is the leveraging of existing power bases to overwhelm tepid opposition and secure additional centers of power.
Since Nixon, the GOP has religiously followed Lenin’s adage to “probe with bayonets—if you encounter mush, proceed; if you encounter steel, withdraw.” And over the decades since the Gingrich revolution, the Democrats have hardly been the party of steel. If the Congress is firmly in GOP control, I can easily see them refusing to seat Democratic senators and allowing states with GOP controlled legislatures to hold new “fair” elections with predetermined outcomes. It’s the same with the audits, they push a little bit, the Democrats avoid confrontation and take whatever it is “ off of the table“ and then the GOP pushes again and again.
There’s no reason why the Republican Party can’t leverage control of Congress and 30 states into 70 or 89 senate seats by 2025. They’re laying the foundation for that even as we speak.
GOP may be lucky getting any seats at all. 2024/26 is a better window.
They need 67. Redo your math.
So the GOP would rather have a Democratic woman of color as POTUS?
If they’ve got the votes the GOP would likely just remove them both. Maybe a joint trial in the senate.
They don't got the votes.Just debt liquidation and capital collapse. But your such a retard, you don't even get that??
No Special Counsel, either. How can a president be competent and effective unless he's being investigated for foreign influence in the campaign that got him the office?
The (lazy) media want Trump back so badly it is painful to watch. They'll put him back in office -- you just wait.
Only deadfish go with the lamestream.
& also bloated twelve handicap golfers.
Is that twelve strokes per hole? If so, trump must ba a fabulous golfer.
be, not ba, though he may feel better amongst sheep.
Eric Boehlert regularly writes about how the media is determined to constantly report on Biden’s adminstration as “doomed” in “crisis”, etc. When he solves a problem they ignore that success and quickly move on to a new crisis, real or hyped:
“A wave of good news wrecks the media’s doomsday narrative”
I noticed this morning that inflation is the new narrative our negative media, usually refusing to point out that it is caused, not by government spending, but by international supply chain problems that will resolve as people return to normal after the pandemic. The media also isn’t pointing out that the record high the stock market hit after the good jobs report shows that their idols in Wall Street aren’t worried about the inflation we are seeing. If they were a strong jobs report would have freaked them out.
The media repeatedly reports on concerns about the costs of the BBB proposals, deliberately ignoring the fact that recently the Treasury crunched the numbers and found that they pay-for proposals (more tax collection from the wealthy and reduced drug prices) will bring in more money that the proposals will cost:
“…the Treasury Department estimates that the bill will raise over $2 trillion. Given the $1.7 trillion price tag, that means the bill would decrease the deficit.”
I keep hearing reports about the costs, about waiting for the CBO estimate but nothing about the Treasury estimate or the estimate by the bipartisan Joint Committee on Taxation that the tax provisions alone shows the pay-fors will raise $1.4 trillion of the $1.7 trillion.
Reporting those facts undermines the “Inflation caused by Democrats’ spending will doom the economy — and Biden”.
Then there is the recent ABC poll that showed that although the public has been paying fairly close attention to the reporting about the BBB bills, few had any idea what was in them. ABC’s Terry Moran used that fact to hammer Biden and the Democrats for not getting that information out. Clearly Moran is too clueless to realize that that poll is proof that the mainstream media has been refusing to give people that information. BIden has flown to other states to speak about his proposals, he has made other public statements about them, as have other Democratic leaders. The same media that covered nearly all of Trump’s public utterances, often live (remember him speaking spontaneously before getting on a helicopter?) that same media hasn’t given Biden’s public, planned statements nearly as much attention. This is also the same media that did almost no reporting about Hillary Clinton’s policy proposals in 2016 but gave overwhelming coverage to “scandals” that threatened her campaign. Post election media analyses showed that public knew about Trump’s policy proposals — lower taxes, trade for example — but few could name any of hers even though she spoke about them in every campaign speech. That public ignorance was the direct result of the constant coverage of Trump’s, but not Hillary’s, speeches. Then the media had the nerve to blame Hillary’s loss on her having had nothing to offer ordinary Americans. Apparently they think that childcare, affordable education, increased job training, affordable healthcare, etc. are of no interest to the working class.
I wish we could sue the media for malpractice.
Nailed it. Right now we have an ‘overbuilt’ media world in which every outlet is desperate for readers/watchers, so they go for sensationalism. It’s been decades since they reported on issues during campaigns, because the horse race and gaffes and scandals are so much more intriguing. Now that is how politics is covered full time. Actual government gets essentially no coverage at all. And that is why we have Manchin and Sinema getting way too much air time and column inches.
Assuming the air quotes are to note that overbuilt is only at the national level, we are underbuilt sorely lacking at the state and local level.
I found the story of GQP Operative Scott Smith's newfound revulsion for sexual assault -- at ReasonOnline, of all places -- &, yup, was a GQP smear operation on trans rights, using Smith's daughter's acquaintance rape* accusation against her cisman boyfriend as a cudgel against Drag Queen Story Hour, & the like.
*What makes the father's of his family trauma even worse is that in GQP circles, acquaintance rape isn't rape, as we know well from the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. In fact, I bet Scott Smith donated to Brent's legal defense fund.
The important point here is that voters reward the appearance of effectiveness, in whatever cause; and correspondingly, they punish the appearance of ineffectiveness, even if there is no one to reward.
The bottom line is that appearance is controlled by the media, which aspires to the status of an alternative government or a power behind the throne. Murdoch is merely a tuppenny Northcliffe.
All politics is local. Phil Murphy was a mess with Covid, but gained reelection because of overhead votes due to going against a incompetent candidate. Northy made a mess of the school situation being too hands off, hurt his predecessor 's chances of gaining reelection and he got nudged.
The media doesn't investigate why elections happen as they do. They just mumble dialectical macro statements.
Blah blah blah. Murph did a great job with Covid. What the hell are you taking about?
He not talking about anything. Just the blah blah blah. Stop reading his/her comments.
No he did not. Murphy's ratings sucked. A bunch of EO's and broken promises. Learn
Please don't feed the troll.
Thanks for the heads up. He ignores the fact that his covid leadership and Education were his top two favorable polling numbers.
Never bothers to list those “errors”. Should remember he is a troll. Sorry.
Well, except they weren't. You aren't on the ground and it shows.
Also blah, blah, blah Northam did a great job with COVID. SIGH troll gotta troll.
Nope. Even posting this nonsense speaks to your ignorance. Northam let the schools stay closed for a year in many districts which did not go over well.
I mean do pay attention of not???
Bottoms up, Shootie.
Dead teachers from COVID aren't very good at in person instruction. Not a hypothetical either, Florida lost a ton of teachers by forcing in person learning too soon.
& James Earl Carter, Jr., negotiated the peaceful handover of the Panama Canal & Egypt-Israel peace. & before that pardoned Vietnam draft avoiders.
Still doesn't mean he never wore a sweater.
That was impressive????? Carter's handling of the Iran hostage crisis, crime spiralling and not passing Nixoncare despite 75% support sunk him. Even the first Volcker wasn't a big deal as inflation suppression was in.
Little known fact: it was actually Hamilton Jordan speaking thru David Berkowitz's dog.
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Side note:
"Voter turnout this year is higher than it was in Virginia’s 2017 gubernatorial election, which saw 47.6% of the state’s nearly 5.5 million electorate cast their ballots. (Italic mine).
Virginia's turnout actually was fairly typical for a non-Presidential election throughout the country.
And that has been true for nearly forever.
Side note to your site note - 2021 had record turnout for a VA gubernatorial race. Turnout is not normally this high but the state made voting a lot easier this year.
Record, not really.
House of Delegates may be 50-50.
And a fully audible ballots due to use of paper scantron style ballots so an accurate recount is possible unlike other states.
Bully pulpit notwithstanding I was under the impression it was Congress which passed legislation.
And then, of course, that legislation requires the President’s signature.
Strictly speaking, no, that legislation does not require the president's signature - so long as a sufficient fraction of Congress is willing to override a veto.
Well, sure, but the congressional veto route requires some generally rare factors such as bipartisanship or huge majorities for one particular party …
and without the bully pulpit, some things just don't get done. which is why presidents get credit for "passing" legislation. infrastructure is the perfect example. biden used it; trump didn't. legislation passes under biden; goes nowhere under trump.
The President can compel Congress to pass legislation if he's just determined enough, even if the other party controls both chambers. All he has to do is schmooze extra hard. It is known.
A president can cajole, coax, convince, connive, plead and perhaps even persuade, but a president cannot compel Congress.
I think dausuul was mocking Green Lantern Theory …
I suspect an element of irony in this situation: the more effective Biden actually proves to be, the more we’ll hear about faux news rants regarding his supposed ineffectiveness. After all, they can’t let Biden’s record of accomplishment “confuse” voters with the idea that he might be competent (!)
They also call him an invalid while touting Herschel Walker, a self-admitted chronic traumatic encephalopathy sufferer, as a better senator for Georgia than Raphael Warnock, the minister at Martin Luther King's church.
He’s been in office ten months and hasn’t cut taxes on the obscenely rich! Nor even on the stinking rich! Much less the filthy rich! Of course he’s earned the calumny of all the People Who Matter! Duh!
The French recalled their ambassador. Brilliant work at State. Inflation is running 5%. Brilliant work at Treasury. Humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan for which no one had planned properly. Brilliant work at Defense. And the AG is prosecuting parents who complain about their local school board (although the local school boards now say they don't want the federal government involved). Brilliant work at Justice. Just brilliant, brilliant, brilliant all around.
The butthurt is strong in this one.
Our trolls are so bad these days that I only stop long enough to slap 'em in the chops or kick 'em in the nads. They're like the worst of Usenet, circa 1986.
Re: Usenet
I remember those days. Back then, we still used "CRTs". "Dumb" terminals. The Internet domain file was downloaded across the nation (and world) every day around midnight.
Some things have improved, but others, like the trolls, have only gotten worse and more destructive.
On this legacy usenet messageboard, a CRT is what you view your communications on, not an eggheaded waiver against criminal responsibility, but they do know this: telling K3 students in Virginia that they are the reason Willie Horton raped their grandmother is not proper schoolroom discussion.
Pffft, lolololol. You gotta be joking. We have another Trump-worshipper here!
Turn of Faux you knucklehead.
It's customary to end comments like this one with /s. Otherwise, as you can see, some people will think you actually mean it.
Missed your copium injection, I see.
1. The French ambassador returned to DC in late September.
2. Inflation is due to global supply chain disruptions, nothing the Biden administration is doing
3. The Afghanistan withdrawal was set in motion by the Trump administration. Trump even wanted to host to the Taliban leadership at Camp Fucking David on *September Fucking 11th* to celebrate it. FFS.
4. The AG wanted to investigate people making fucking domestic terror threats against school boards, not people speaking up during public comments at a meeting.
5. I've got to stop feeding the goddamn trolls around here.
But what if a death threat is the only deserving response to the National Democrat-Socialist agenda that our country's bought & paid for by lazy union teachers school boards are proposing?
Also, 2. What the hell does Treasury have to do with inflation, ey81?
The Treasury Secretary is a ( ( ( woman ) ) ) who already oversaw Obama's economic calamity as Fed Chair.
ey81 is just conducting the dots from Rothschilds to Soros.
Sure he did all that but as I understand it a liberal once suggested redirecting some public safety financing away from cops so no wonder his polls are down.
Yeah, but the governorship of Virginia flipped by a half a percentage point, so he's clearly America's greatest monster.
COVID is still in people's minds, despite the substantial progress with vaccination.
Leads the news and is still having an effect on schools and businesses.
It's not "fair" but a president often bears the brunt of bad (or not-cheerful) times. As COVID *gradually* fades, Biden's approval will rise.
Sure, but racist presidential tweets are sorely lacking.
Presidential cruel mocking is basically gone.
The president isn't in a perfect feedback loop with fox news, and no longer calls into the shows.
And that's what the 45% of American voters who happen to be aligned with the constitutional scheme to make sure there was an important job for every founder want.
Hey! No changing the narrative here. Didn't you read MoDo's column in the Times today?
I had to laugh at Politico's front page this morning just 48 hours after the BIF passed. To read it (and practically every pundit it seems) the Democratic Party should just disband itself considering all the gloom and doom that's part of the aforementioned "narrative".
Glad there's a website I can go to that actually tells the truth.
And 38% approval rating. America is an idiot.
It's nice to see the media focusing on important things.
Camilla Parker Bowles can’t stop talking about Joe Biden’s ‘long fart’
No, I won't give you the link.
If not for Prince Andrew, the Prince of Wales's Tampon Applicator would be the worst royal.
The only good royals are QE2, Charles, & Meghan Markle.
Charles? Really?
Not really. Your just looking at one poll.
A poll taken before the weekend's events. Like all polls, just a mere snapshot in time.
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70,000 cases a day.
38% aporoval.
42% approval. 40000 hospitalization.
I believe Trump is an evil person and was a horrible President. And yet, one can factually list several accomplishments: many, if I am being honest, I would agree are good things.
My point, even the worse President has some positive achievements. Rather, the US populous looks at the whole body of work: for Trump most people gave him thumps down. If one accepts the polls, then Biden (at least as of today) also gets the thumb down....
Except Trump's polling was always too low. Politics are coalitions. Always has been, always will be. Phil Murphy's Broken promises hurt him with Democrats. Reading archliberal rags like Daily Kos or Democratic Underground pretty much spell out his failures. It hurt his turnout with Democrats.
These polls should be abolished and banned.
Ditto Obama in 2012. Polling errors are brutal.
“the US populous [sic] looks at the whole body of work” in judging a Presidency. Sure they do..
By the way, your moniker always calls Jim Hightower to mind.
Jesus, I can't believe I fell for that stupid link. I love that, as long as you take away the Trump virus that he totally ignored and whose policies made the death and economic toll orders of magnitude worse than it would have been with (any) leadership he was just totes awesome! It brings to mind (unfortunately effective campaign pitch) Dubya's claims, and too many credulous people in the media acceptance of those claims, of keeping us safe, you know, as long as you ignore the whole biggest terrorist attack resulting in the destruction of the Twin Towers and 3000 dead people because they ignored flashing red sirens throughout the summer of 2001 thing.
And hey, jagoff, even if it was some sort of diabolical attack by those dastardly Chinese (the use of the term "China" virus kinda gives that game away), then shouldn't the biggest toughest defender of the American people that the people just weren't even worth of and who no country would dare mess with (which the whole China virus meme kinda invalidates by itself) because Trump would make them pay have, you know, um, made them pay. Shouldn't letting the "China" virus devastate what was the most glorious USA in, apparently, according to that website, that has ever existed kinda be a bit of a negative in the ledger?
& Dana Perino, who said from the White House Press Room that there were no major terrorist attacks in the homeland during the Bush-43 administration, & Rudy Giuliani, who echoed that, are still with us. Dana's a regular on FOXnews in the mid to late afternoon block, & Rudy is busy exposing the Chavista ( ( ( conspiracy ) ) ) to install El Pepe Maximo in the White House as a prelude to a dictatorship of pizza-loving paedophiles.
Just got my booster, Nov 8, 12:08 pm CDT. Feels good.