FiveThirtyEight has a piece today that, among other things, ranks well-known politicians by their perceived ideology. The most liberal Democratic politician turns out to be . . . Kamala Harris:
This has some people shaking their heads. Harris is more liberal than Elizabeth Warren? Bernie Sanders?
By chance, I can explain. Aside from the fact that some of these rankings are just plain nuts (Dianne Feinstein more liberal than Dick Durbin?), Fox News and other conservative outlets have been busily building up Harris as the greatest liberal threat since George McGovern. The idea is that Joe Biden is old and frail and likely to die in office, at which point Harris will take over and start sending conservatives to socialist reeducation camps. This means that many impressionable conservatives are convinced that Harris is the most liberal politician in the country.
Any other questions?
I'm about ready to start advocating for sending "conservatives" to re-education camps. Or just plain education camps. To start the process, note that these people are not, by any stretch of the imagination, "conservative." They're reactionaries, and the GQP is a revanchist movement, not a governing political party.
So they are bourgeois reactionaries. most socialists are conservative revolutionaries.
Everything is a illusion for the play.
Yeah, so many times they shout about things and I have to rub my forehead and remind myself that they're just common clay.
And maybe they could do some honest work while they're know like something that would make them break out into a sweat. Oh the horror, oh the humanity... Cue Malvina Reynolds:
Also, she's black. That automatically triples her scariness quotient.
She isn't black. She is mostly Dravidian. Even her paternal side wasn't all Bantu.
That's not how the "one drop" rule works, Sparky.
But its truth. Many Southerners have quite a bit of black and jewish dna in them. Much more than the North.
"Much more'?
Did you learn that at your Klan meetings?
Well, obviously all GOP voters know that.
The Democrat du jour is always the "most liberal" whether it was Gore, Kerry or Obama. I think Biden was the first candidate in a while the GOP didn't try to tag as the "most liberal"
Only because to do so would have run counter to the GQP's allies in Russian disinformation, the #OurRevolution left, contending that Biden was a Neoliberal rapist.
If you want to really excite the fever swamp dwellers, explain to them that when Harris takes over she plans to immediately resign so Pelosi can become president.
Pelosi=gone in 2023.
I do not wish to think of my fellow Americans as liars. They have decreed that Democrats in power means camps. I will pay them the compliment of assuming they have resigned themselves to the shock collar.
"Impressionable conservatives"? Isn't that redundant?
Probably a poor move by Republican strategists. Harris's known "centrism" makes this poll meaningless and neither her are Biden are likely 2024 Democratic nominees(partly because her rediculous "progressive turn"). Republicans better watch it. They are playing with fire. Its part of the reason Romney and that gang want to at least get a deal on the infrastructure part of the Democratic plan.
This sounds dubiously sourced.
It is what it is on this political point. Conservatives simply can't get back to free market liberalism and bourgeois morality without a military coo. Even they know a liquidation of government programs will cause a sharp GDP contraction, destroying the banking system, corporate jobs and sharply creating a lot of poverty in the white middle class. In 1929, White/Black unemployment rates were actually pretty close. The New Deal and its debt reallocation changed white poverty trajectory.
Conservatives want a plutocratic dictatorship and I guess because of Donald Trump's foreign ties, decided to make a move in 2015, with Russia the silent partner. That is the only reason why I suspect they rally around a Ashkenazic backgrounded man who has many friends in Africa that are black, he likes to emulate. It's as I said in another post, a coalition.
Lets also face it, much of the resistance to the conservative power grab won't be all new age liberals. But from many different illiberal sources from the heavily white racist ecological movements to black racist gangs. Not only would conservatives be defeated, but they would like fracture the US into non-existence eventually, destroying any chance of a plutocratic terror.
A military "coo?" Bring it.
The Klavern has spoken.
'...Harris will take over and start sending conservatives to socialist reeducation camps. '
Given the de-programming necessary after a lifetime of Fox "News", that really is the only rational solution.
Once again, I really miss the "Like" button.
Every four years when any democratic senators run for the presidency they are all declared the most liberal Democrat. And there is an actual, albeit fraudulent, metric behind it. When senators are running, they’re traveling and rarely in DC. They come back to DC only for the most important votes, and invariably, like all 99 other senators, they vote the party line. They’re never there for the renaming-post-offices votes that get bipartisan support, so they always have a 100% liberal voting record. Obviously this is meaningless. Obviously Obama was not nearly the most liberal senator, any more than Harris. But it’s another lie to inflame the base, so they do it every time. I really wish they would think of some new tricks.
'I really wish they would think of some new tricks.'
It's hilarious that you think "they" even go to that level of effort. The Rubes are the easiest Marks on Planet Earth- they just say whatever they want, forever.
KD: ...Biden is old and frail and likely to die in office, at which point Harris will take over and start sending conservatives to socialist reeducation camps.
Really? Oooh, I can hardly wait. Will we be able to visit and feed them peanuts?
KD: Any other questions?
Yeah, what happened to 538 and why are Republicans so unbelievably stupid?
In 40 million words or less, which may be difficult.
And apparently some loon on crazy Trump TV show wants to execute those who stole the election from him. Skip the socialist camps… republicans are the enemy.
He is a Russian agent, I know who your talking about.
Polls have become a blight on political discourse almost as destructive as Twitter.
"Used excessively, polling can substitute for political judgment entirely, which is corrosive to politics because it wholly eliminates the primary reason for which we bother having leaders in the first place.
"We elect them to make the judgments; we elect them to take the difficult decisions.
"In the case of the very greatest leaders, we elect them in order that they can convince us of the need to endure short-term discomfort in the interests of long-term prosperity.
"Politicians who rely excessively on opinion polls are fascinating because, in so doing, they constructively dismiss the possibility that they might be any good at all at their job."
> The idea is that Joe Biden is old and frail and likely to die in office, at which point Harris will take over and start sending conservatives to socialist reeducation camps.
This is precisely what I dream about.
It's crazy how much of our politics is just pure stupid nonsense. And everybody knows it is but we all act like we need to take it seriously.
It's all about softening up a likely FUTURE presidential candidate. These guys think ahead. It's why they were looking for dirt on Biden before he'd even declared as a candidate. They did it to Hillary for 20 years until in the end a highly experienced, skillful and intelligent candidate was reduced to a caricature. And the point's not so much to solidify their base's opposition to the person -- that's a given. It's about nibbling away at the great mass of low-information voters. A friend of mine whom I'd put in that group was perfectly prepped by the years of badgering and phony investigations and the massive exaggeration of the relatively minor e-mail situation (every SecState before including Powell and Rice used their own private e-mail accounts for much of their work-related communicated; at least Hillary was smart enough to set up and control her own secure server for it instead of relying on Gmail or Hotmail, and note that that was the one server that was NEVER hacked by Russians or mined for dirt by a disgruntled soldier with access to State Department systems). Anyways, the friend. He expressed the end goal perfectly: Where there's smoke, there's fire. Republicans are masters at manipulating the system to launch endless probes and keep their in-house propaganda media outlets like Fox and now OAN and NewsMax and the entire online ecosphere of right-wing news sources harping on the message that the person has done something wrong. In the end, it doesn't really that they never did. There's a lot of smoke, and that settles it for the low-information voter.
That's what's being done to Harris, and that's why. She's a very likely future threat to them.