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Kristi Noem wants to shoot more dogs

So far I've heroically ignored the ongoing saga of Kristi Noem shooting her 14-month old dog, but seriously, what the hell is going on with her?

Noem really, really needs to STFU about this. How many dogs does she have her sights on?

42 thoughts on “Kristi Noem wants to shoot more dogs

  1. bbleh

    Well but let's not forget about the Democratic governors who are also violent sociopathic weirdos. Like, um ...

  2. iamr4man

    She has no chance of being Trump’s Vice-President. But she will be first choice to be placed in charge of Trump’s deportation program. She has so much experience dragging stuff into gravel pits.
    I wish this was snark.

      1. iamr4man

        Me either, but she’ll get appointed to something in a Trump administration. I’m sure Stephan Miller could easily find a place for her.

  3. geordie

    Actually I agree that Biden's dog should be put down. That or confined to an area where he can't attack any more government employees.

    1. chumpchaser

      I think Commander just needs to be put in a cage with assholes who murder dogs because they are sociopaths. Thanks for volunteering!

      P.S., Biden's dog was re-homed quite a while ago, so not only are you a dude who lusts after killing dogs, you're also an illiterate dumbshit who can't be bothered to do a simple Google search.

      1. lawnorder

        I suppose it's not unreasonable to describe a chronic biter as a sociopath, although it's a term not usually applied to dogs. It is standard practice to euthanize biters; most jurisdictions have vicious dog ordinances that call for chronic biters to be killed.

        1. Coby Beck

          I suppose it's not unreasonable to describe a chronic biter as a sociopath

          Yes, it is completely unreasonable for any coherent definition of "sociopath" or "dog". But I don't think chumpchaser was calling the dogs sociopathic.

    1. iamr4man

      Hilbert and Charlie are liberals and well remember that famous quote by Martin Niemewer “First they came for the dogs, and I didn’t rower because, well, you know, DOGS, then they came for the goats and I didn’t rower because I’m not a goat, then they came for the horses and I didn’t rower because I’m not a horse, then they came for me, and there was no one left to rower.

  4. D_Ohrk_E1

    Noem really, really needs to STFU about this.

    I disagree. Never stop a fool from political suicide and the public glare. Don't hide the ugly; amplify it.

  5. msobel

    "How many dogs does she have her sights on?"

    To paraphrase Brando in The Wild One, "How many dogs you got?"

  6. cld

    How many guns does Kristi Noem have on her right now? Does anyone around her feel safer thinking about it?

    Conservatives are usually eager to seem as 'tough' and extremist as they can, they valorize an idiot like Kyle Rittenhouse and will come right up to the line of openly saying a lot of people need to be shot, but now this is too much?

    In a paradoxical way a lot of conservatives are trying to tone it down while still maintaining the noise level.

  7. golack

    "I don't know how to train puppies, so I kill them, and am brave enough to tell people. That should make all the difference."

    1. cld

      Apparently trying to suggest she didn't write her book, didn't read it and didn't pay any attention to it while recording the audio version and only noticed the unpleasant and entirely false bits when she heard about it from someone else.

  8. Jimm

    When first reading this Noem story, the thing that stood out the most me wasn't killing the dog, which was harsh and seemingly emotionally "in the moment", but that she then extended this emotional moment into killing the goat.

    Whatever reason there may have been in her mind to kill the dog, as a result of the incident with the chickens and she almost getting bit herself, there is no reason to execute the goat too in that sequence (while you're at it aka in a killing mood). Save it for another day and some forethought.

    Of course the dog could have been rehomed and even then potentially still put down, but why kill the goat in this "fit", and ignorantly with a shotgun, so it has to suffer while you reload? That's just country/farm dumb and heartless.

    Related article:

    1. pjcamp1905

      What struck me is the sheer sociopathic, almost serial killer level intensity of her hatred.

      She did it because she liked it.

    2. Salamander

      Well, at least the goat was edible. Or maybe not, if she blasted it twice with a shotgun at point blank range... Those lead pellets really contaminate meat.

      According to the Daily Beast, her constituents view her as a poseur who is trying to look "country" and "tough", but is actually neither. I don't think doubling and tripling down will make her macho man act more convincing.

    3. gs

      You only use a shotgun for this kind of thing because you want to make a big mess.

      [Note: not to whine, but it would've been nice to put "want" in italics to better convey the right amount of emphasis, but whatever. Visualize "want" in italics. And world peace.]

  9. tango

    Too bad she did not get placed on the Trump ticket and THEN this came out. There are a lot of people who will vote for (pick your outlandish thing that Trump has done), but draw the line at people who are mean to dogs...

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