I was slogging through some old photos last night looking for something else when I ran across a set of Milky Way pictures that I took a few years ago up in northern California. I tried stacking them at the time, but had little success.
However, I now have better stacking tools and better noise-reduction tools, and it struck me that I should give these images another try. The sky, after all, was easily the best and clearest I've ever had. So here it is. As you can see, the clear sky made far more stars visible than in other Milky Way photos I've taken, which is either good or bad depending on your personal preference. In either case, the core is very nicely rendered and the tail looks fairly good too.
I will be experimenting with a whole new region for night photography in a couple of weeks. We'll see how it works out.
Wow! Good job there, Mr Drum.
Right now it is too smoky to see the night sky. Hoping that things will blow in another direction by early August so I can give the old Milky Way a shot again.
BTW, what is the stacking software that you use? I'm working with Sequator and it is OK, especially for the price ($0.00), but I have noticed some oddities...
I haven't had great luck with Sequator. In the end, the best stacker was the one built into Photoshop.
Thanks. I'll give it a shot next month, the smoke gods willing.
Very Nice! And the base leads the eye to the tail....and makes us wonder with furrowed brow....What the hell? We are so tiny, why us? Are we special or just a chemical accident?
Good pictures make you think...thanks for a sigh.full experience of your image.
Best Wishes, Traveller
PS what the hell, I'll ask...where do you find the time to do all the things you do?
I suppose your output is as amazing to me as the Universe. (I work hard every day and I never get close to you....well....lol)
The Milky Way doesn't have a tail. It's a disk.
That's a good one. Still can't beat laying on a beach on Palmyra, swatting crabs every other second...