You all know of my love for long-exposure shots of waterfalls, and what better place to do a long-exposure shot than Rome's beloved Trevi Fountain? So naturally I went there.
I got to the fountain around 2 am and had a stroke of luck: police were clearing the area so that the steps could be cleaned. That meant I could set up my tripod and take pictures with no one in my way.
On the less lucky side, there was only so far back I could go and I couldn't get the whole fountain in a single shot. So I took a series of shots to turn into a panorama, which worked fine except that the resulting image was massively warped. It took me forever to massage it into decent shape, which you can see below. It's not too bad, but it's not perfect either. However, by the time I got it to this point I was sick of the whole thing and called it a day.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen: a lovely, velvety picture of the Trevi Fountain. If you throw a crypto coin over your digital shoulder in the general direction of this picture, it means you will return to this blog tomorrow.
wow great photo and photoshop work!
The surreal, dreamlike midnight quality is well captured.
Salvi would be proud.
Well the result is gorgeous. Only you can judge if it was worth the hassle!