This is a white morning glory "moonflower," an extremely photogenic flower. Unless it's out of focus or something, I don't think I've ever taken a bad photo of one.

Cats, charts, and politics
This is a white morning glory "moonflower," an extremely photogenic flower. Unless it's out of focus or something, I don't think I've ever taken a bad photo of one.
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Dune was great. The rest of the books? Even successful authors have to pay the bills. Here's a shout out to Herbert's home town, Tacoma, which took a heap of arsenic contaminated smelter slag and turned into, what else?, Dune Park!!1s0x54905319fe25f8bd%3A0x2a0f8148bd460955!3m1!7e115!!5sdune%20park%20tacoma%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipOEaD5LKqJoNPIKMTx3CSY0tpxCuMM3q2R3bzZ7&hl=en&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwi9qZCp6b7yAhWPFVkFHYozCFsQoiowKHoECHoQAw
I have no idea why the comment system tied my comment to this post, rather than the one on Dune. But given I am here I have to protest any glorificaton of Morning Glory, one on the nastiest most invasive weeds around. It even sent me to the hospital once when I was furiously pulling the dam weed and a couple of it's Apian allies nailed me.
Maybe what you encountered was Convolvulus, aka "the wild morning glory" aka "bindweed"? I currently have an infestation in my compost pile (yes, I hadn't "turned" it in years...) which will probably necessitate bagging and disposing of the entire thing as "green waste."
Sure, they have pretty flowers, which permits them to get a good foothold, and then you're doomed.
Moonflowers don’t take over the way morning glories do. I grow one or two up my fence every year. They have a lovely light scent. If you are lucky you will get to see a luna moth visit.
Moonflowers don’t take over the way morning glories do. I grow one or two up my fence every year. They have a lovely light scent. If you are lucky you will get to see a luna moth visit.