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Lunchtime Photo

Today is opening day for the David Geffen Theater, designed by Renzo Piano for the new Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in Los Angeles. It's popularly known as the Death Star, but Piano gamely insists it's more like a soap bubble or a magic lantern or a flying vessel—and perhaps it is if you view it from above. But if you view it from ground level, as we do in real life, it looks like this:

September 21, 2021 — Los Angeles, California

Unfortunately, what it reminds me of is this:

For some reason, comic book characters with visible brains always seem to be villains. That's in the DC Universe, anyway. Maybe things are different in the MCU?

11 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. DFPaul

    What's funny, of course, is that they are opening this museum just as movies are essentially irrelevant to the culture, having been replaced by streaming and Tik Tok.

    I'd say the exposed brains belong to all the evil supposed geniuses of Hollywood in the past 30 years who decided movies should have no recognizable people in them. Great way to attract recognizable people to buy tickets, eh?

  2. cld

    I have a plastic dome on my head with tubes coming out of it,

    I don't think the MCU has any villains with exposed brains, but in comics any kind of enlarged head or brain seems always to be the villain, or some kind of character who's all about his grand above-it-all-ness, like the Watcher.

    1. Salamander

      All a part of traditional American anti-intellectualism, baked in from Day 1. The Republican Party is just the latest manifestation, albeit carried to extremes.

  3. Traveller

    Well, I rather like the building and my night photographs from the top of the adjacent Broad Contemporary building at LACMA shows a different face to the structure.

    Be that as it may, there are also creative solutions to maybe not so obvious problems...pigeons, birds in general? Hire a Hawk...seriously. See linked LA Times article of some interest:

    Best Wishes, Traveller

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