Here's an interesting demonstration of the power of black and white. The top photo is a picture of the Green Church, near Mammoth Lakes, with the White Mountains in the background. It's a so-so image, and mostly radiates a sense of calmness and silence.
Then I decided to render it in high-contrast black and white. Now it looks more like a church you might find in a Stephen King novel, producing mostly a sense that some kind of festering evil is lurking within ready to tear anyone who enters into tiny little shreds. Fascinating, no?
What is that small box to the left of the church? A flat-screen tv? A mirror? A worm hole?
Whatever that is, it appears in Google Street View as well:,-118.8229991,3a,75y,91.52t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syAmMBLSBxfPIJGNiYCVLFQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
It's the view through what is (or was) the entrance, no?
Bigger image:
Ah, there's a porch! Cognitive break down on my part.
BTW, the image on this site is plenty large if you open it in another tab.
Tank that holds the mutant zombie spawn until they're activated by the cosmic radiation of the fallout storms that replaced weather after The War.
Nice work. Ansel would approve.
I think the black and white image looks like a church in the Martian Chronicles, or the last structure standing while radioactive vapors whirl around on the horizon destroying any remnant life, the foreground covered with ashes.
I don't so much think that the church looks foreboding in B&W, rather it looks truer to what it is. I also at first thought the image was better for not strictly adhering to the rule of thirds...the building, the essential subject of the image, (or is it?), seems further pushed to the right that the rule of thirds might allow for...there is pressure on the left side of the frame which forces the eye to see the vistas on the right (imo).
Regardless, this is a nice piece of work.
(looks at black and white version) WHAT HAPPENS IN THAT BUILDING??!!!
Monument Valley in black and white.
That's the feeling I get when I see a church.