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3 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Winslow2

    Love your Rome photos, but I must say that when I opened the site just now and saw the photo "Riding a Bobsled at the Matterhorn, Disneyland" it made me ridiculously happy. And the non-daisy photo is amazing, too.

    The people demand prints for sale.

  2. Traveller

    I have often walked
    Down the street before,
    But the pavement always stayed
    Beneath my feet before
    All at once am I
    Several stories high,
    Knowing I'm on the street where you live
    Are there lilac trees
    In the heart of town?
    Can you hear a lark in any other part of town?
    Does enchantment pour
    Out of every door?
    No, it's just on the street where you live

    I couldn't resist what this evoked in me.


    But wishes, Traveller

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