This is a grape juice lupine in a picture taken last year. It's one of the last wildflowers in my queue, but wildflower season is coming up soon so I should have a whole new set of pictures before long.
9 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo”
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We here in South Florida have our version, skyblue lupine, one of my favorites. It's wildflower season here and the lupine is in full bloom. Looking forward to seeing more of what SoCal has to offer.
A neurologist explains why daylight savings time is a crime against humanity and will kill you,
Thanks! I've decided to start a campaign to keep New Mexico on "Mountain Standard" time, year round. This will help.
FWIW, there's an "R" member of the legislature who constantly pushes his bill to keep the state on "Daylight Savings" time, which strikes me as insane. What's wrong with "standards"??
I never have any idea what people who advocate for it year round think they're thinking.
It's like they think it will eliminate night and they're scared of the dark.
Because the problem is shifting the time, not the specific point that's noon.
Leaving it year-round would accumulate more daylight before standard working hours, which is a net benefit based upon how most people work and school.
Very nice - great lighting - those can be tricky to get a good picture of!
Beautiful image of a beautiful flower!
Lovely; those petals are as beautiful as any jewels.
If you want to see lupine, come to Maine in July….