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4 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Ken Rhodes

    Kevin thinks the squirrel is sightseeing.

    I think he's looking out for coyotes. Then again, I suppose he would think a coyote is worth seeing.

  2. lowreyd

    Sorry but we have tons of squirrels on our Norcal property. The invasive eastern grey squirrels are merely rats with bushy tails. They get into roofs and other human spaces and have lots of pups. I'm long past thinking of them as cute. Hawk, bobcat, and coyote food is all they are good for.

    The native western grey squirrels are ok because they don't like hanging with humans.

    Yeah this is a grumpy comment . . .

  3. dspcole

    For a second I thought it was Friday cat blogging…. But those ears would be an embarrassment to any self respecting cat.

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