Rather than spread them out, here are three views of the Roman Colosseum at dawn. The top photo was taken from the northeast corner with the Vittorio Emanuele monument in the distance.
The middle photo was taken from the south side looking east toward the rising sun.
The bottom photo is a forced-perspective shot taken from nearly the same spot as the top photo. From near to far, it shows a bit of the dome of the Basilica di Maxentius in the Roman Forum; the dome of the Chiesa Santi Luca e Martina martiri; the red brick of the Basilica di Santa Maria in Ara coeli; and finally the Vittorio Emanuele monument again.

Fun fact, what most people call the "Roman Colosseum" is better known as the Flavian Amphitheater. The Colosseum specifically refers to the area that contains the amphitheater
When I visited the Colosseum, I was struck by the fact that photographs don't do the place justice, because they don't give a proper sense of its sheer size. You could fit an entire house under each of those arches.