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Lunchtime Photo

Cypress College was built in the late sixties and features a sort of neo-brutalist esthetic with lots and lots of concrete and exposed piping. Here's a good example, with some nice, sharp shadows shot right around noon. This is one of the few kinds of photographs that are better when the sun is high in the sky.

January 30, 2021 — Cypress, California

9 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Vog46

    Here's one for you Kevin. Paul Rudolph design
    SMTI - Southeastern Mass Technological Institute

    Named changed to Southeastern Mass University (SMU) Now known as UMass Darthmouth
    It's one of the coldest campuses I've ever been on. Wind whistled between the buildings and on cold days those buildings stayed awfully cold on the inside
    We called it the concrete jungle

  2. Jerry O'Brien

    I like the way a bright post meets up with the sunlit side of a doorway edge to make a seemingly impossible vertical thing running in front of and behind the shadows.

    1. HokieAnnie

      I wondered that myself, almost posted a comment a few hours ago. Unless Kevin means building built more recently but in the style of the old Brutalist buildings.

  3. weirdnoise

    If it were Brutalist the concrete wouldn't have the vertical texture and both it and the pipes would be unpainted. It's more of a Structural Expressionist building.

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