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Lunchtime Photo

This is a sculpture of a pale, hairless hand holding a bunch of colorful marshmallows on sticks.

Wait. No. It's a Jeff Koons sculpture "donated" to the city of Paris after the 11/15 attack that killed 130 people, and those are tulips, not marshmallows, as anyone who follows Koons knows.

Ahem. I guess I don't know my Koons. Anyway, it turns out that "donate" meant Koons wouldn't take a fee for creating the artwork, but neither would he pay to have it constructed. Eventually, however, a bunch of private donors provided about $4 million toward the fabrication and assembly of the 34-ton metal sculpture and Koons added $1 million to that. After a bit of tediously predictable controversy over whether Koons was sincerely memorializing the victims of the terrorist attack or was merely being a publicity hound, Bouquet of Tulips was installed in 2019 near the Petit Palais.

NOTE: This has nothing to do with Thanksgiving. I didn't have pictures related to Thanksgiving to put up, but I suppose you could think of the Koons sculpture as, um, a bunch of turkey gizzards?

May 30, 2022 — Paris, France

9 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. Salamander

    Thanks for putting up a photo of the day, even on this holiday! And I hope you're feeling better soon.

    FYI the wikipedia page doesn't even have a photo, and notes that the "dozen" tulips number only eleven; the missing one meant to symbolize the dead. Another reason I will never understand art.

  2. KawSunflower

    Too stunned yesterday to comment, all I can say is how grateful I am that there will be no $5M with which to memorialize me or anyone I know in that manner - a sad tribute to those killed.

    While I like many styles of art, this is simply too cartoonish for the purpose.

  3. DFPaul

    Instagram has changed everything for museums. The idea is to have something big and instantly recognizable, outside, which people can take pics of and provide you with free publicity. Witness the lampposts at LACMA, and, I guess, this thing.

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