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12 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

    1. painedumonde

      I believe it is the temporary structure that anchors a sliding roof over the cathedral, weatherproofing during restoration.

      Also it will be used to reconstruct the Spire.

    2. cmayo

      I find it the opposite of sad. I see it as a sign of progress towards maintaining humanity's heritage - in the form of a kickass building and maintaining the enormous undertaking of previous generations, I don't care a whit about the religion part.

  1. painedumonde

    If you embiggen the image and scroll left and look at the revetment you can see some street art by an artist named Invader.

  2. Salamander

    Okay, I know this is heresy, but those flying buttresses look really lame from this shot. Maybe it's the way the scaffolding breaks up the view.

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