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Lunchtime Photo

This is the Capitol Building in our nation's capital. As you are reading this, America's legislators are carrying out their solemn duty to promote the general welfare with no thought for themselves. Let us all thank them for their selfless service to our nation.

November 16, 2022 — Washington DC

10 thoughts on “Lunchtime Photo

  1. name99

    The sarcasm is unwarranted.
    The WHOLE DAMN POINT of the US constitution, and probably at least one of the reasons it has been more successful than most, was that the founders were realistic about humanity and politics. The system works not because representatives act in accordance with the general welfare and with no thought of themselves, but because one set of interests is balanced, countered, and negotiated against a different set so as to create positive-sum solutions.

    “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.”
    ― James Madison, The Federalist Papers

    I mean, my god, Kevin. I expect this sort of ignorance and foolishness on the general internet but not on your website.

    1. Ken Rhodes

      I think your criticism of Kevin is unwarranted.

      When I was growing up the Democrats and Republicans negotiated with each other in good faith, they compromised on the issues where they had differing views, and our country moved along, often haltingly but always moving, towards continual improvement. The Civil War, when that model failed, was memorialized in the history books, but very few active participants in government adhered to an all-or-nothing separatist attitude. That was the time of Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and John Kennedy. The country worked just like your first paragraph described it.

      But look around you now. It DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY anymore. The founding fathers assumed that an occasional Marjorie Taylor Greene would be stifled by the overwhelming majority of her cohorts who were trying to actually govern. Instead, we have a situation never envisioned--the tail(s) wagging the dog(s).

      Kevin's sarcasm isn't a reflection on 250 years of our history; it's a commentary on today's dysfunction.

      1. KawSunflower

        Thank you.

        Anyone who thinks that even the most classist, racist, & sexist of our founders wouldn't be unnerved by many of the political players of today is surely mistaken. God, I certainly hope so!

    2. pjcamp1905

      The founders also believed they had created a system that would make political parties impossible. They believed legislators would jealously guard the privileges of their institutions, not themselves and their gang.

      The founders were not gods. It's time you stopped treating them as such.

  2. Eve

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